Yeast hair mask

Yeast Hair Mask

Probably every woman at least once had a desire to become the owner of long and silky hair for at least one day, for a moment. Unfortunately, in life it is impossible to acquire a chic head of hair by magic. To grow a good length will take many years and great patience. As a rule, hair grows about 1.5 - 1.8 cm per month. Take note of this when thinking about how long you will need to achieve the desired result.

Yeast Benefits

Of course, there are some exceptions to every rule. The process of hair growth can be significantly accelerated. For a stunning result in the arsenal of a modern woman there are various cosmetic products for hair care and grandmother's recipes that do not lose relevance over time. One of the best helpers of a girl who dreams of chic hair will be yeast hair mask.

Yeast is one of the richest sources. vitamin b, which is used in many cosmetics. Therefore, a yeast hair mask can fill hair with health, give it a well-groomed and healthy look, accelerate growth, and also promptly stop the development of such undesirable processes as hair loss and baldness. In addition, the yeast mask is capable of relieving the scalp of dandruff for a long time.

What yeast to use?

Yeast are perfect for home cooking dry or live yeast masks. The latter can be purchased at any grocery store. There they are sold in the form of frozen briquettes.

Orientation in proportions is very simple. To replace 9-10 grams of live yeast, you must take one teaspoon of the product in dry form.

Application: general recommendations

Yeast Hair Mask

Yeast mask is suitable for all hair types. Its use will benefit both dry and oily hair. When making masks, one should take into account the fact that the resulting mixture under the influence of yeast will start to ferment, and, consequently, increase in size. Capacity must be chosen deep enough so that in the end it was not small.

The use of a yeast mask for medicinal purposes, to restore and strengthen the damaged hair structure, involves applying it to the hair twice a week, a course of 15-20 procedures. If the mask is used for prophylaxis, it should be applied once a week. After passing 10-15 procedures you need to take a two-month break.

Yeast Hair Mask Recipes

Next, we present to your attention a few of the most effective yeast masks that can be easily done at home.

Yeast mask with honey or sugar to strengthen and grow hair

Composition: Brewer's yeast; honey or sugar.

Cooking: Mix a two-centimeter slice of yeast from a briquette (live) with a teaspoon of melted honey. It is not necessary to add water to the mixture. Yeast is perfectly dissolved in melted honey. The resulting mixture should ferment. To do this, it must be placed in a warm place for an hour. Honey can be replaced with sugar, but the hair will be much less beneficial.

Application: Begin to apply the mask with the treatment of the scalp, only after the move to the hair. To keep warm, you need to cover your head with a plastic bag or film, wrap with a towel or put on a hat on top. Keep the mask on your head for about an hour, then rinse everything off using shampoo for the procedure.

Yeast mask on kefir to prevent hair loss and fight dandruff

Composition: a piece of yeast (1x2 cm), a spoon of honey, a half cup of fresh kefir.

Cooking: Mix all the ingredients together and place in a warm place for half an hour until foam is formed on the surface.

Application: Apply the mixture on the scalp and along the entire length of the hair. Wrap your head with a film and a towel, hold for 40-45 minutes. Then rinse with water at a temperature close to room temperature, using your favorite shampoo. To achieve the best results, the mask must be applied two or three times a week.

Yeast mask with egg yolk to restore hair structure

Composition: a tablespoon of dry yeast, a tablespoon of warm water, egg yolk.

Cooking: dilute the yeast in heated water, add the pre-beaten egg yolk. For fermentation, the mask is not required to leave, you can immediately proceed to the application.Application: apply on the scalp and leave it until dry, then rinse the mixture from the hair and dry them with a towel. The mask is great for oily hair.