Wedding hairstyle with chignon do it yourself
Chignon for wedding hairstyles
Chignon is a real salvation for brides with thin hair or insufficient hair for the desired hairstyle. It is with false strands that now any girl can feel like a real queen on her wedding day. Chignons are not new for a long time and are actively used to create hairdressing masterpieces. Therefore, this option in preparing for such an important event should not be left out of focus.

The advantages of wedding hairstyles with false hair
Chignon hair for the bride is a real find. Firstly, it deprives the owners of many problems not too luxurious hair. Secondly, it allows you to make stunning styling, while not spoiling your hair with stunning bouffants for an incredible volume.

Important points
Beauty is a terrible power, and besides it is not cheap and easy. Deciding to do a wedding hairstyle with a chignon should be seriously prepared and familiar with the subtleties and nuances of this option.

Choosing a chignon
Correctly selected hairpiece can be said 80% successful hairstyle. That's right, because if the false hair is different from the native, no matter how hard you try, nothing good will come of it.
When choosing a chignon, it is better to give preference to natural materials. Of course, they are much more expensive in price, but they look much more natural, amenable to all kinds of manipulations: coloring, perm, etc. Natural chignon is certainly not comparable with artificial, and it will serve for a long time after the wedding.
It is important to remember that when selecting a chignon one should pay attention not only to the length and color, but also to the structure of the hair itself. The more similar to your native hair with overhead, the more elegant the look will be at the wedding styling.
Choosing a hairstyle
Wedding hairstyle with chignon - in any case, a lot of studs, invisible women, rubber bands, pins, clips, and besides not enough varnish and other styling tools. Not all girls can feel comfortable with such magnificence on their heads, so if you are not sure, you should try your hair beforehand. After all, the wedding - this is your day, your fun and it should be done away, and not otmuchatsya.

Who should not do hair with chignon
- Refrain from wedding hairstyle with false hair should be small fragile girls, as an extraordinary amount in the head area can play at all. A large head of hair and a small body will look disproportionately and not at all attractive.

- Too high girls hair with chignon, too, can not go to the benefit. Since the additional volume in the head area will add height. And if the groom is not so high, it will not work out so harmoniously.

- Also under the refrain from hairstyles with hairpieces will have and young ladies with large faces. Volumetric styling will further increase the head and face itself.

Stylish wedding hairstyle options with chignons
Flowing curls
What could be simpler and more attractive than beautifully falling curls on the shoulders, curled by large waves. This option is quite popular among modern brides, because here, and tenderness, and naturalness, and romance, and attractiveness - all in one bottle.

- We select curls that are suitable in all respects for native hair;
- Gently fastened with clips;
- We turn on the large curling iron or curlers;
- We correct the hairstyle so that the curls would lie beautifully, but the fixings were not visible;
- We supplement with accessories (hairpins, hairpins with stones, tiaras, flowers, ribbons);
- Fix all varnish. As an option, twisted curls can be collected in a low tail by slightly drawing the tape and putting it on the shoulder. Or pick up the hair a little on the sides and secure with hairpins, thus adding styling Greek motifs.
Trendy Greek Hairstyle with Rim
Greek hairstyle with a rim perfectly decorate the image of any bride. In addition, it is quite simple to implement. Greek hairstyles made to curly hair, so that the chignon should be prewound.

- Fasten chignon;
- Take a festive bezel and put on the head;
- We fix the bezel stealth;
- Curls alternately refuel under the gum;
- We release in front on the sides on a thin curl for more romanticism;
- Fix the masterpiece varnish.
Retro is back in fashion, and with it the famous babette. The image has been around for so many years, and modern brides all don't want to let it out of sight. Chignon - this is a real way to abandon the crazy pile, terribly spoiling the hair. Thanks to the superimposed curls of babette will come out incredibly lush, and our already beaten curls with life will remain safe and sound.

- Fasten curls;
- We divide the hair by a horizontal parting into two parts;
- From the bottom we form the famous shell;
- The top of the neatly laid in the form of a pile;
- Naturally decorate with desired accessories.
- As an option, you can wear a ribbon on the head with a small bow.
Spit - it's just a trend of the current season. Chignon will allow to bring a huge variety of ideas hairstyles with braids to life. Braids can be tightly intertwined, forming a single whole, or weak, stretched and falling on shoulders. They are decorated with stones, hairpins, diadem flowers and everything that you can think of.
Decorations are good, but don't be too zealous. It is better to let one accessory, it will become a highlight, than a lot of pebbles, rhinestones, pins and other things. Indeed, in the fashion of this hour, naturalness and not compulsion.
Spit with chignon trudge almost the same as without it. The only thing that is important to properly secure the false curls. Chignon should be securely fastened, and the place of attachment is hidden from prying eyes.
Greek braid

- Overhead curls and your hair twist on curling;
- Fasten hairpiece to the head;
- We combed and tightened the hair so that all the hair would be beautifully lay on one side;
- We take the upper tier of hair and fasten with a silicone rubber band;
- At the base of the tail (the part that is above the rubber band) make a hole and scroll through it the end of the tail;
- We perform the same manipulations along the entire length.
Wedding hairstyle with a braid fishtail

Quite an interesting option hairstyles for the bride. You can make a braid out of a chignon, and twist your hair and lay it over it. Looks great.
East tail

Another interesting hairstyle for the bride occupies the top position in the trends of this year - the eastern tail. Making it yourself is certainly quite difficult, but with someone's help it is quite possible.
Elegant wedding hairstyle is an indispensable attribute of any bride. Even with your own hands, without spending money on the help of a stylist, you can create compelling styling. It only takes a little practice and everything will work out.