Weave braids from 5 strands (step-by-step weaving schemes)


Spit of 5 strands instead of 3x.

Are you a happy owner of beautiful long hair? So you have a great opportunity to experiment with styling and various types of weaving: French braid, "cone". The bored classical three-strand braid can be replaced by an analogue of 5. It looks extraordinary, wider and more luxuriously than the usual three-spin, and will be an excellent alternative to daily tails and bunches. The advantage of such a scythe in the simplicity of weaving and at the same time external showiness. Anyone who can independently make an ordinary pigtail can quickly learn this method.

Five-strand braid
Five-strand braid
Five-strand braid
Five-strand braid

Five strand braid: step by step instructions

In order to master the technique and get a good result on your head, practice first on a friend or a mannequin. You can even try on ordinary wool thread.

Prepare the tools: comb and gum to secure the braid.

Recommendation: moisten hair slightly with water, it will make them more docile.

  1. Comb your hair thoroughly. Divide them into five parts, which are left to right from 1 to 5.
  2. Part 1 is superimposed on 2 and started up under 3;
  3. Put strand 5 on top of above 4 and place it under 1 (it is already in position 3);
  4. Reversed straps for simplicity, re-number and repeat the steps from step 2.

The scheme of weaving braids of five strands
The scheme of weaving braids of five strands
The scheme of weaving braids of five strands
The scheme of weaving braids of five strands
The scheme of weaving braids of five strands

The scheme of weaving the French braid of the five strands

When you understand the weaving technique, you can go to the French spit of five strands.

  1. At the crown of the place where the base of the braid begins, begin to weave the usual braid of three strands;
  2. Then, separate the strand on the left and start under the extreme and on top of the middle;
  3. Repeat step 2, but on the right side;
  4. You got five strands in your hands;
  5. Now grab loose hair from the left side, report it to the leftmost strand. Get her under the middle curl and on top of the next;
  6. Repeat step 5, but on the right side;
  7. Continue to weave the braid, repeating steps 5-6.

The scheme of weaving braids of five strands

You can make an amazingly beautiful haircut if you braid such a braid around your head or diagonally. To add volume, slightly pull out the extreme strands and fix them with varnish. Additional chic will give the hair woven ribbon. Go to a party or a holiday, decorate the braid with pearls, rhinestones, flowers.

Five-strand braid
Five-strand braid
Five-strand braid
Five-strand braid
Five-strand braid
Five-strand braid
Five-strand braid
Five-strand braid