We revitalize hair after summer
Under the influence of sunlight the hair becomes thinner, losing its luster and splendor. Below are tips, using which you can at home restore the beauty of your hair.
First pick a good one shampoo. It must be keratins and vegetable extracts. Extracts of burdock, henna, and wheat germ are considered the most beneficial for the hair. In the pharmacy, you can buy special shampoo with horse keratin. It strengthens the follicles well, makes the hair shiny and thick.
Experts do not recommend the use of "2 in 1", because such drugs weights and glue thin hair. After shampooing, rinse hair with a concentrated extract of sage, which revives weak hair and accelerates their growth.
To quickly restore hair, it is necessary to provide them with good nutrition. They do it with the help of masks rich in vitamins and microelements.
In order to thicken the hair has worked perfectly henna. If you do not want to change the hair color, use colorless henna. Dissolve it with water, put some rosemary oil in gruel, mix and apply on the scalp. Put on a plastic cap, then wrap a towel around your head or a warm scarf.
After an hour and a half, wash off the henna, apply hair balm. It is advisable to use balms containing herbal extracts.
After nourishing masks and washing it is helpful to splash hair roots. pepper setting. It awakens follicles, stimulates hair growth, increases the digestibility of nutrients. Pepper tincture has a warming effect on the scalp, accelerates metabolic processes. This is due to its high efficiency. Just a few procedures are enough for the hair to stop falling out and become fully alive.
For weak and thin hair can be recommended yolk mask. Pound egg yolks, add a couple of drops of burdock and rosemary oils, a little pepper tincture. Apply the mixture for 40 minutes on the scalp.
To increase the effectiveness of hair masks and detergents, experts recommend adding them calcium tablets. They help the hair roots to absorb more nutrients and vitamins.
It should take care of your diet, choose the right diet for hair. Increase the amount of vitamins in it. Especially useful for hair complexes of minerals with vitamins of group B. Brewer's yeast will help to fill the deficiency of these vitamins, which should be consumed 3 tablets per day. Vitamin H is also very useful for the hairstyle. It restores the hair shaft, thickens its structure, stimulates growth.
The application of the above recommendations in just 2 weeks will return to your hair a healthy look, and your hair - pomp and beauty.