We pass fortification


developing curls

Visiting stylists, hairdressers, buying the latest hair care products, we firmly believe that our hair is irresistible and full of health. This is a big misconception, beauty and health of hair is not only external gloss and well-groomed styling, but also the condition of the hair structure and whether there are necessary vitamins in your body. By consuming homemade vitamins with food or pharmaceutical vitamin complexes, we take a step towards beautiful and healthy hair. What vitamins for hair we need and where to get them?

What is the secret of vitamins?

You can receive a charge of useful vitamins from correctly picked up food. If you have enough fruits, vegetables, cereals, fish, dairy and meat products in your diet, you can easily forget about such problems as: loss, breakage, dullness, dryness, brokenness of the tips, as well as dandruff. Food contains the best vitamins for hair, as they are easily available, natural and their digestibility by the body is carried out in a natural way.

What vitamins are needed for healthy hair?

Vitamins A, E, C, F, H, PP, D and the indispensable group B were recognized as the best and most beneficial vitamin vitamins. These are the most important vitamins for strengthening hair, their growth and flawless appearance. In addition, such important trace elements as zinc, selenium, iron, copper, sulfur, silicon, molybdenum are needed. You can get this vitamin cocktail by eating ordinary foods.

Vitamin A for hair or retinol

tablet products

  • If you do not have enough vitamin A, then you may notice that your curls have become dull, brittle, and the tips are split. The use of retinol will eliminate all these unpleasant phenomena, will ensure rapid growth of hair, normalize the work of the sebaceous glands, and this in turn will ensure the normal condition of the scalp and prevent the appearance of dandruff.
  • Every day you should eat at least 1 mg of vitamin A.
  • What products can we meet him in? If you eat such foods as: eggs, carrots, dill, spinach, cabbage, bell pepper, cheese, cottage cheese, butter, milk, cream, cod liver. Another storeroom of retinol are fruits and berries: black currant, blackberry, gooseberry, watermelon, apricot, dogrose. Since vitamin A contains beta-carotene, and as it is known it is split only with the help of fat, it is better to use all these products with vegetable oil.

Vitamin H or Biotin

  • Biotin use will help if your hair falls out, will give them strength and strength.
  • They say that this vitaminchik is able to help even people suffering from baldness (alopecia).
  • You can recharge biotin using beef, pork liver, peanuts, soybeans, green peas, tomatoes, cabbage, yolk of chicken eggs in your diet.

Vitamin F

girl and nuts

  • At its core is the union of unsaturated fatty acids.
  • It helps strengthen the hair follicles and prevents hair loss, as well as helps in the fight against dandruff.
  • Contains vitamin F in almonds, peanuts, avocados, soybean, flaxseed and sunflower oil.

Vitamin E or tocopherol

  • Vitamin E for hair is an indispensable component. Its sufficient content in the body will help moisturize your hair and restore it to its former shine.
  • Eating vitamin E, you protect your curls from the aggressive effects of ultraviolet rays.
  • The daily dose of such a vitamin in the body is not more than 15 mg per day.
  • If you include in your menu milk, nuts, green vegetables, legumes, liver, seeds, vegetable oil, then you will not know about the lack of this component.


Vitamin C or ascorbic acid

  • An indispensable component in the fight against hair loss.
  • Using it you help to improve blood circulation in the scalp, and this will speed up hair growth.
  • Rich in vitamin C products such as rose hips, parsley, lemon, lime, grapefruit, tangerines, oranges, green and yellow vegetables, currants, dairy products, beef liver, fish oil, butter, eggs.

Vitamin D

girl and products

  • Another component to stop hair loss. Vitamin D for hair - returns them strength and shine.
  • You can "to get" its fish oil, cod fillet, halibut, sardines, salmon, herring, tuna liver, as well as dairy products and chicken eggs.

B vitamins

  • B vitamins for hair, and in particular B1, B12 or thiamine, are the strongest vitamins that can help you accelerate hair growth. Products containing most of them are of animal origin. These are liver, chicken, pork, beef, fish, lobster, scallops, milk, cheese. But there are those that are of vegetable origin - this is bread, sunflower seeds, legumes and brewer's yeast.
  • B9 or folic acid is an excellent tool in the fight against early gray hair and baldness. Every day you should consume at least 0.3 mg of this substance. Cottage cheese, cheese, yeast, fish, buckwheat, oatmeal and barley groats, legumes, dates, pumpkin, nuts, meat is a storehouse of vitamin B9.
  • Vitamin B6 for hair like no one else can cope with dry scalp and help avoid dandruff that is unpleasant for everyone. You will get this indispensable component by consuming such foods as bananas, cabbage, meat, fish, beef and cod liver, eggs, avocados, potatoes, corn, beans, rice, carrots, wheat and buckwheat groats, nuts and green vegetables.
  • Vitamin B3, B5 or niacin and pantothenic acid help strengthen hair follicles, as well as accelerate their growth. These vitaminchiki are also responsible for the formation of pigment in the structure of the hair, and the proper production of pigment will prevent the appearance of undesirable gray hair. Pantothenic acid helps to give hair elasticity and rid them of brittleness and dullness. By including in the diet beef, broccoli, cheese, carrots, milk, tomatoes, dates, potatoes, sorrel, peppermint, you can return to the head of hair former health.
    thick hair

Micro and macronutrients for shave health

But, in addition to all these vitamins, you should also get healthy microelements.. After all, their lack of can worsen the condition of your hair.

  • If you lack iron, the strands will become dull and brittle.
  • Insufficient content of molybdenum will lead to slower growth.
  • Low sulfur content will make your curls dry, brittle, devoid of shine.
  • Low levels of copper and zinc can lead to severe hair loss and the appearance of gray hair.
  • The lack of silicon will deprive your hair of elasticity and vitality.

When you have learned all about the benefits of natural (natural) vitamins, you can safely go to the vitamins from the pharmacy.

fruit slices and pills

Pharmaceutical preparations for beautiful hair

Nowadays, a huge variety of vitamin complexes is presented on pharmacy counters. They have a different form of release. You can find liquid vitamins, in tablets and capsules, vitamin sprays and ampoules. All of these multivitamins have a different result and price, there are both inexpensive and high cost. We will get acquainted with one of the most popular means of fortification.



  • Complex perfectil, which improves the condition of the scalp and of course the structure of the hair. It is rich in vitamins and minerals. Complex "Perfectil" come from England.
  • Many girls, who have already felt its effect on themselves, speak about the quick effect of the complex, in just a couple of weeks noticeable improvements in the condition of the hair are visible.

"Inneov" by vichy

Innov density

  • The drug, which in the shortest time will return the former health of your hair. After a 6 month course, you will forget about all the unpleasant phenomena, loss, breakage, dullness.
  • What is the secret of this complex? It contains tannins, substances that prevent hair loss and provide them with a density and volume.
  • But unfortunately, the course of such a drug is not available for all girls, as it has no small value.

"Mertz Beauty"

merts beauty

  • German drug Mertz Beauty, with German quality. Its use perfectly restores weak and damaged hair.
  • This remedy is rich in cysteine, methionine and zinc.


  • An indispensable drug in the fight against diffuse hair loss.
  • It contains keratin, cysteine, as well as amino acids.
  • To achieve the desired effect, you must take it for at least a month. You can easily buy this tool in any pharmacy.


rewald capsules

  • If you have weak, lifeless hair, then complex "Revalid" will be your assistant in the fight against these phenomena.
  • It must be drunk for at least 3 months in order to feel its effect on you.

This is naturally an incomplete list of currently available vitamins. Positive reviews also received multivitamins Aevit, Evalar, Phyto, Aleran. There are also liquid vitamins for hair, or rather drugs in ampoules. Such as: vitamin E for hair, group B, vitamin A and many others, they are available in ampoules and have a very low cost. You can apply them in different ways, you can make a vitamin mask, add to your favorite shampoo or just rub into your head.


Recipes for vitamin home masks

Recipe number 1 - Mask with onion juice and vitamin A

  1. You will need 2 tablespoons of onion juice, you can get it by grated a medium onion.
  2. Then add 1 tbsp of castor and burdock oil, 10 drops of vitamin A, one yolk and 1 teaspoon of pepper vodka.
  3. All this is thoroughly mixed and applied to the roots and leave for half an hour.
  4. At the end of time, thoroughly rinse with shampoo.

This mask will give your hair shine, make it bigger and thicker.

Recipe number 2 - Mask with vitamins A and E

capsule packaging

  1. Take 1 tbsp of vitamin A and E and add to them 1 teaspoon of burdock oil, 3 tablespoons of warm water 1 spoon of mustard powder and 1 chicken yolk, mix everything and apply to the entire length of the hair.
  2. This mask is left for 10 minutes and then washed off with shampoo.

After this procedure, your hair is saturated with moisture, it will become soft and silky.

Another form of release is a vitamin spray for hair. It has a significant advantage, ease of handling and a very quick effect! The use of the spray will restore damaged hair after staining, perms, as well as facilitate combing, prevent hair loss, accelerate growth and will have an antistatic effect. Spray must be applied to clean dry hair and leave it without washing.

In order for your hair to always be in perfect condition, full of strength and healthy shine, you need to follow 3 rules of caring for them:

  1. Proper nutrition, in which there are the necessary vitamins and minerals
  2. Adopting a Multivitamin Course
  3. And providing external hair care. Properly selected shampoo and other hair care products, as well as a nourishing vitamin mask

Video about hair vitamins