Useful hair masks with henna

Useful hair masks with henna

Oriental women have always thrown admiration for their chic appearance and beautiful hair. What is their secret?

Yes, there is no secret, there is one rule - use only natural cosmetics, prepared with his own hands, namely, it will be about hair masks with henna.

It is thanks to women from the east, we learned about a wonderful tool that gives our hair health and a stunning reddish tint.

Millions of women at least once in their life tried to dye their hair with this natural dye and were always satisfied with the final result. But it turns out, henna is not only a harmless hair dye, but on the contrary creates real miracles with our hair. It helps strengthen the hair, get rid of dandruff, brittleness and gives a dizzying volume.

Henna hair masks

1. Firming mask

In 200 grams of warm kefir we pour 3-4 tablespoons of henna, then mix thoroughly and leave to infuse for a few minutes. When the mask is ready, it should be spread evenly over the entire length of the hair, while rubbing it thoroughly into the roots, then wrapped in polyethylene and towels for about an hour. After thoroughly wash the hair with water.

2. Nourishing mask

We mix 3 tablespoons of powder with boiling water (water is needed so much that we would get a creamy consistency) and leave to cool. After adding a couple of teaspoons of honey and 1 egg. The resulting mask is well rubbed into the roots, evenly distributed to the tips and leave for an hour. After all, you should thoroughly wash the hair with shampoo.

3. Mask, strengthening the roots

Useful hair masks with henna

We take a bag of henna, mix it with a couple of tablespoons of lemon juice, an egg and yogurt (the latter can be replaced with curd).

The consistency should resemble thick sour cream. The resulting mask is applied to our hair, covered with film and wrapped with a thick towel. Leave the mask should be for 40-50 minutes, after which you need to rinse the hair well with water at room temperature.

4. Moisturizing mask

We mix a couple of tablespoons of henna with boiling water to obtain a thick consistency and leave to cool until warm. When the mixture has cooled, add the avocado pulp and a tablespoon of castor oil.

Thoroughly mix everything, apply over the entire length of the hair and wrap for about an hour. After a set time, thoroughly wash off the mask and shampoo my head.

5. Mask of their henna and milk to give strength to hair

In 150 milliliters of warm milk, we pour in one egg yolk and beat well. After that, the resulting “cocktail” is mixed with henna powder in proportions of one to one.

The resulting mixture is applied to the hair and wait 20 minutes. As time passes, wash off the mask with warm water. You can use shampoo.

6. Mask of henna and nettle strengthens and nourishes the hair

Half a glass of dry nettle should be poured with boiling water and leave to infuse for about 20 minutes.

After you need to slowly pour the henna there, until the consistency becomes thick. Apply the mask on the hair for 30 minutes, after which everything is washed off with a little lukewarm water.

Use useful masks based on henna and your hair will delight you with its beauty, health and strength!