The newly revived from the 70s-cascade haircut for medium


blonde girl

Haircut cascade gained its popularity back in the distant 70s and was at the peak of popularity for a long time. During this time, she gained a lot of fans, but as time went on, fashion changed, and tastes changed in a haircut. Some of the girls remained fans of the cascade, while others forgot him altogether. And in 2013, she again regained her fame. What is the secret of the popularity of this haircut? It is an ideal option for girls who want to have long hair, but also want to change their image.. In addition, haircut cascade gives lightness and playfulness to your image. It is very simple in execution, as well as you can easily take care of it. Haircut cascade on medium hair is considered the best option.

different variations

What type of face is suitable cascade?

blonde girls

  • Cascade haircut looks more impressive on the owners of a narrow and slightly elongated face. This is explained by the fact that the hairstyle adds volume to the hair and makes the face a little wider, and for a more piquant image you can cut a thick bang.
  • Chubby-faced girls will be approached by a slightly elongated cascade, where short strands reach the chin line, and short strands framing the roundness of the cheeks are trimmed. Do not allow additional volume in the zygomatic zone; this will make the face fuller.
  • For girls with a triangular face or reminiscent in shape "a heart"where there are wide cheekbones and a small chin, haircuts will suit cascade on medium hair with a volume in the bottom of the face. It is better to cut the steps along the line a little bit like cheekbones.
  • If you have a heavy jaw area, then you can disguise it with curls lowered onto your face.
  • A square head is best suited to the cascade, where the main volume is on top of the head, and in the face area there are no steps.

redhead beauties

With the help of cascading haircuts you can easily hide all the flaws of your appearance or, on the contrary, you will focus on dignity.

Advantages of a cascade for medium hair

fair-haired beauties

  • With it, you will skillfully correct the lack of volume and density of your hair. She will be the savior of girls with thin and weak hair.>
  • With it, you can make your image airy and light if your curls are heavy and too thick. This is achieved by straightening the strands, which makes a beautiful transition from layer to layer.
  • If you want changes in your appearance, but are afraid of a global change in the image.
  • The cascade for medium hair does not require long and complicated styling, and this saves your personal time. With it, you will always look fresh, and her hair bulky and well-groomed. And if you still resort to the installation, you will get a lot of options, easy to implement.
  • It is suitable for owners of any type of person. Girls with a round, oval, rectangular, square, triangular face, they can safely decide on this haircut.
  • This haircut can be done independently. To do this, collect the hair in the tail at the back of the head, move it to the forehead and cut, be careful, it will not be easy to cut the hair smoothly, and not milled hair will not look beautiful.

side bang cascade

Nuances haircuts for medium hair length

  • The best length for a haircut cascade on medium hair is the length along the shoulders. But you decide what length your hair will be and what result you want.
  • What would the hairstyle turned out not excessively fluffy on the back of the head, then make the first step lower than with the classical cascade. You can cut the levels along the entire length, and only at the bottom of the head of hair. Owners of bangs need to make the first level in the line of the end of the bangs.
  • Hair ends give charm to the hair, therefore it is necessary to provide them with a fine layering, careful care and not to allow them to be cut.

unusual hair color

How is the haircut?

simple cascade installation

There are several varieties of cascade techniques, but it is better to begin acquaintance with the least easy option. Technology haircut cascade is as follows:

    1. You need to comb your hair, then separate the bangs section, if you have one.
    2. Decide on the length and shape of the future hairstyle in the lower layer. After separating at the crown of the hair, in the shape of a triangle and twist it into a bundle.
    3. Determine the length of the upper layer of the cascade, trim the strands with a zigzag, the tips will become uneven.
    4. Then pull the next batch of hair and so on until the last level. Excess hair cut off.
    5. When you finish cutting the hair on all layers, you will see that each zone has its own length.
    6. The next step is the thinning, it will give ease to your haircut.
    7. In order to make a haircut ladder, select the same strand on both sides of the face and cut from the top of the desired point to the ends of the hair according to the principle of elongation.
    8. After cutting the strands with a razor or thinning scissors.

    rock chic

    Bang in a cascade, is it necessary ?!

    It is worth it or not to make bangs in this haircut, it depends naturally on your personal desire, but you should not forget about your type of appearance, so as not to spoil your image.

    styling without bangs

    • Holders of a round or square face should opt for oblique bangs or even forget about it, but if you cut a straight or some other form of bang, then you risk making your face small and unnecessarily full.
    • A girl with a triangular or straight face is better to opt for straight bangs, but respect the proportions in length.

    laying with straight bangs

    The choice of bangs for such a haircut is wide: thick, torn, slanting, long, straight.

    Does the cascade fit curly hair?

    Taylor Momsen

    This haircut perfectly emphasizes both large and light curls. But you need to be careful when choosing the first level of a haircut. If you cut it too high, then turn your hair into a naughty, sticking in different directions. Better start cutting the hair closer to the ends.

    Ways of styling a cascade on medium hair

    Laying the haircut cascade on medium length hair is very simple in design, because it does not require much effort, you can simply dry your hair and look at 100. But if you decide to give your look even more charm, then you have several variations of styling .

    stacking cascade

    • An image in which the top layer will be smooth and the bottom will be curled with a curling to the middle will look stylish.
    • Straightening each layer separately using the ironing, you will create an unusual and expressive image.
    • Having curled your hair inside, you will add elegance to your appearance, and emphasize the lines of transition from layer to layer.
    • You can also create an easy playful look by curling strands in different directions.

    Video about haircut cascade