The best recipes for light hair masks

The best recipes for light hair masks

Blond hair needs careful care and care, because they are most susceptible to brittleness, dryness and damage. But, unfortunately, many homemade masks can change the color of blond hair, make it dull, and add unnecessary shades. Therefore, the choice of masks should be approached responsibly.

What components can not be used for blond hair:

• Henna • Cocoa • Cognac • Broth of green herbs • Coffee • Chocolate

What is recommended for blond hair

• Kefir and other fermented milk products • Yeast • Lemon • Honey • Oils (olive, burdock, castor, almond, etc) • Chamomile decoction • Onion juice

Masks for blond hair with these components can be safely used and not be afraid that your blond hair will get some shade.

Recipes masks for blond hair

Mask for blond hair with chamomile

Dry chamomile (2 tablespoons) pour boiling water (1 cup), cover with a lid and leave for an hour. Strain the resulting broth and mix the resulting gruel with lanolin (half a glass) and heat it in a water bath. Apply a warm mixture on the hair and leave for half an hour. The remains of the mask can be stored in the refrigerator in a glass container for no more than 4 days.

It is recommended to apply the mask once a week for 2 months.

Mask with lemon juice for blond hair

Olive oil mixed with lemon juice in a 1: 1 ratio and heated in a water bath. We apply warm mix on wet hair and we wrap up the head with a towel. This mask will help stop brittleness and make hair strong and strong.

Hair mask with kefir

The best recipes for light hair masks

Heat the floor of a glass of kefir and add a couple of drops of lemon essential oil, spread it over your hair, cover with cellophane and warm your head. It is best to leave the mask for an hour.

Mask with honey for blond hair

Before making a mask, wash your head with a deep-cleaning shampoo, or add a pinch of soda to your shampoo. Allow the hair to dry and apply honey on it (preferably taking acacia honey) and cover the hair with a film. To mask strengthened and restored hair you need to keep it 7-10 hours, so this mask is recommended to do at night.

Rinse with chamomile for blond hair

Such rinsing will suit blondes with golden hair. Pour 50 gr. dry chamomile with a liter of water and simmer for 15 minutes. Then strain the broth and let it cool for a while. After washing, use a decoction with chamomile for rinsing hair.

If necessary, the finished decoction can be stored in the refrigerator, but not more than 4 days.

Oil masks for blondes

Vegetable oils will help to give hair elasticity, but they need to be used with caution for oily hair.

For the oil mask we need:

- almond oil; - olive oil; - peach oil; - lemon essential oil;

Take 1 tbsp. l each oil and add 2-3 drops of essential mala lemon, mix all the oils thoroughly and distribute through the hair, it is better to retreat 5 cm from the root.

Remember that blond hair is most susceptible to dryness and brittleness, so you can use other masks for dry hair.