The best recipes for cinnamon hair masks


The best recipes for cinnamon hair masks
Hair mask with cinnamon fruitfully affects the scalp, hair follicles, as well as the hair structure itself. Cinnamon contains such important components as vitamins, antioxidants and other substances that are simply indispensable for hair. The article will consider the recipes for the most simple and effective cinnamon masks. 

Hair mask with cinnamon and honey

Hair mask with honey and cinnamon is very useful, as the hair begins to grow better as a result of the fact that cinnamon affects the bulbs and makes them revitalize, and honey enriches with nutrients. This recipe for using cinnamon and honey in a mask is quite simple.

To begin with, it is necessary to acquire all the necessary components, namely:

1) 5 tablespoons of olive oil 2) Cinnamon in a loose state - 1 tsp. 3) Honey - liquid or melted in a water bath - a third of a glass 4) Hot pepper - a third of a teaspoon 5) Clove powder - a teaspoon

The best recipes for cinnamon hair masks
Next, you need to go to the direct preparation of the mixture itself. It is necessary to warm the honey in a water bath to a warm state; in the process of heating, add olive oil to it, then all bulk substances. Mix everything to get a homogeneous mass. The hair should be clean and combed, as well as dry. The mixture should be rubbed into the scalp to the effect was the best, you need to do it with massaging movements. If you want not only to stimulate the activity of the hair follicles, but also to give a decent look to the entire length, then you can add a few drops of olive oil to your favorite balm and distribute it over all the hair. On top of the mixture you need to apply cellophane and wrap all the top with a towel so that there is a heating effect. After 40 minutes, the mask will need to be washed off in the usual way. This hair mask with pepper and cinnamon is very effective in the fight against loss.

Hair growth masks with cinnamon

From cinnamon you can make a lot of hair masks, which accelerate their growth. Consider the most effective recipes from the available components.

Recipe 1

The components of such a mask are as follows:

1) Cinnamon powder - two teaspoons 2) Onions preferably red, as it has a more positive impact - the bulb is medium in size 3) Honey in a liquid or melted state - one teaspoon 4) Four cloves of garlic

Reviews of this hair mask with cinnamon are only positive, since the curls after it will start to play in a new way and liven up, while the result of growth will be noticeable after a short period of time.

The best recipes for cinnamon hair masks
The preparation is as follows: The onion and garlic cloves need to be turned into mush. Honey is heated on a water bath and add cinnamon to it, mix everything. In the resulting mass add chopped onion and garlic. This cinnamon mask is convenient because it can be used several times. So you need to put it in a glass container with a lid. Using it is as simple as cooking. Half an hour before the proposed procedure of shampooing you must put a mask on the roots. All wrap up with a towel. After that, rinse the strands with a decoction of herbs that will soothe the scalp and have a positive effect. Very often, women use hair masks with cinnamon to grow their hair - this is simply a wonderful alternative to all existing ready-made preparations that are sold in a pharmacy. Since the result of it is simply amazing, at a completely low cost. Photos before and after application can be observed below.

The best recipes for cinnamon hair masks

Recipe 2

Here is another example of a mask with cinnamon used for hair growth. Would need:

1) A glass of kefir 2) chicken egg 3) A tablespoon of cinnamon powder

In the egg, you need to separate the yolk from the protein, you only need the yolk. All ingredients need to be mixed until smooth, so that there are no lumps. The resulting mask of cinnamon must be distributed on wet hair that has been previously washed. Then everything is fixed with a towel and is in this state for half an hour. After that, you need to rinse all with shampoo and dry. It will be noticeable that the curls began to play in a new way, as if energy had been inhaled into them. Of all the masks for hair with cinnamon - this is the easiest to prepare and from the available ingredients.

The best recipes for cinnamon hair masks

Recipe 3

And here is another example of a mask for those who dream of long curls. Composition:

1) A teaspoon of cloves, which was crushed in advance 2) Two teaspoons of cinnamon powder 3) Olive oil - four tablespoons 4) Honey in the liquid state - four tablespoons

Honey should be heated in a water bath with oil, then add bulk substances there and mix everything thoroughly. After that, transfer the resulting mask to the bowl and send to the water bath for a few minutes. Next, cool slightly and apply on the hair. Keep for about an hour, then wash off in the usual way. Dry strands immediately become more healthy and resilient.

Mask with cinnamon for lightening hair

Mask with cinnamon is often used to lighten hair, especially in combination with honey.

The best recipes for cinnamon hair masks

The recipe for the following homemade mask is perfect for ladies who have light brown or light color strands, as each procedure will make them even brighter. The composition of ingredients is surprisingly simple, and very important, it contains only natural ingredients, namely:

1) Cinnamon powder 2) Honey in the liquid state

To such a simple composition, of course, the easiest preparation. It is necessary to mix the cinnamon and lukewarm honey with your favorite hair balm. This should be done in a glass container, since it does not enter into any reaction with the composition of the mask. Wash the head and dry the curls. The mixture is distributed evenly over the entire length. Then it is better to collect the hair and fix everything with a towel. After that, you can get rid of the towel, but with the mask you need to walk a few more hours. After that you can wash your hair in the usual way. This is just an amazing lightening mask for hair with cinnamon, which does not make you wait long for the effect of its first use.

The best recipes for cinnamon hair masks

Mask with cinnamon against hair loss

Hair loss is a very unpleasant situation that indicates problems in the body. In addition to this, she also delivers a lot of inconvenience, since her hair is scattered throughout the apartment, lying on clothes that does not paint the young lady at all. Of course, a certain amount of hair should fall out daily, this is how it is updated. But if it develops into already large scale, then you need to do something, at least independently at home. Although it is better, in a serious case, before using home methods of dealing with fallout, consult a doctor.

The best recipes for cinnamon hair masks

The composition of the mask is as follows:

1) Cinnamon powder - one teaspoon 2) Olive oil, but if there is no such oil or you want to find a cheaper substitute for it, you can use burdock, which is just as good, you will need two tablespoons 3) Honey - two tablespoons

All is made as follows. It is necessary to make honey warm and liquid with the help of a water bath, you should not melt it in a microwave oven, since all the beneficial properties will go away under the influence of microwaves. Oil must also be heated, you can do it together with honey. Add cinnamon itself to this liquid mass and dissolve it there. Wash hair, but do not dry completely. Then cover them with a cinnamon mask, wrap in polyethylene on top and use another towel to warm and better effect. Keep it for less than an hour, then rinse off in the usual way.

Cinnamon Hair Mask

Cinnamon oil makes the hair beautiful and attractive, giving it a healthy shine and strength. For the procedure at home you need only directly cinnamon oil in the amount of 4 drops. You can buy the essential oil of this product in a pharmacy at very reasonable prices. The oil should be mixed with shampoo, which is used regularly, about 4 drops of oil per two tablespoons of shampoo. Naturally, if the length of the hair is large and 2 spoons is not enough, then you need to increase the volume of the shampoo, but also, consequently, increase the number of drops of oil. But it is necessary to adhere to the same proportions. This shampoo should be washed thoroughly, then rinsed. You can perform this procedure every week. And the result is really surprising.

The best recipes for cinnamon hair masks

But before applying cinnamon for cosmetic purposes, you need to make sure that this spice does not lead to some dire consequences in the form of allergies, for example. Also, all substances that are found in masks with cinnamon should be individually suitable for everyone. You should not think that all components are natural, and therefore they will not bring any harm - this is not so, since all organisms are individual and all react differently to different substances. If you are convinced that everything is in order, then you can safely use a cinnamon hair mask prepared at home.