The best hair masks with cognac

Hair mask with brandy and its benefits
Cognac is one of the elements of hair masks, which warms the scalp, activates growth and restores the hair structure, and also minimizes hair loss. Also, this alcoholic drink gives shine to curls and smoothness, thereby beneficially affecting the hair. Hair mask with the use of brandy contributes to the most rapid washing off than, for example, the popular burdock oil. And the last, allergic reactions to cognac has not yet been identified.
Hair masks with cognac - the most effective recipes
The composition of such a mask, in addition to brandy may include yolk, olive oil and other components that will fit the type of hair and skin. Also, natural coffee, honey, yogurt and oak bark are used.
Hair mask with cognac and egg

• 40 gr. cognac; • two yolks; • tablespoon of corn oil.
All elements are intensively mixed in containers and applied to all hair, including the roots. After this stage, comb the strands with a comb and wrap in a towel. The consistency should completely penetrate the scalp and hair follicles, so the mixture should be kept on the head for about 1 hour. After seasoned time, wash off with warm water.Result: Cognac mask with egg helps to strengthen and restore fragile and weak hair. Also, it adds thickness and volume to the strands. The mixture should be applied once a week and continue to do it until you get a clear result. According to the observation of activists and their reviews, after 3 months the hair comes to a decent look. Hair mask with cognac and egg is diverse in nature. In addition to this mixture, others can also be used, but for a completely different purpose.
Anti-hair loss mask with brandy
As mentioned above, hair masks with brandy are an excellent tool that blocks excessive hair loss. For such a mixture is necessary:
• One tablespoon of Cognac; • One tablespoon of castor oil; • One yolk.
All elements are thoroughly mixed and rubbed into the hair roots, evenly distributed over all the strands. We wrap our heads in a towel and are in this position for about 2 hours.
Hair mask with brandy against the cross section of the tips

To make the curls look healthy, it is recommended to prepare the following recipe:
• 30 gr. Cognac; • One teaspoon of olive / sunflower oil; • One teaspoon of powdered colorless henna; • Yolk.
All mix in a homogeneous mixture. Next, rub massage into the scalp, wrap hair in cellophane, and cover with a towel on top. The mask is left for half an hour and then thoroughly washed off with shampoo water.
Hair mask with cognac and bow for strengthening
To strengthen the curls and give them shine, you can use the following instructions:
• One egg yolk; • 30 gr. Cognac; • One teaspoon of liquid honey; • One onion; • One teaspoon of yogurt.
Grate the onion and mix with the remaining ingredients. This mixture should be applied to wet and clean hair mostly at night. If this is not possible, then in an hour, wash it off with warm water.Result: this mixture ensures the appearance of shine on the curls, thick hair and their strong growth. Regular use of such a mask can prevent dandruff and provides proper care for hair. If there is a question about the smell, then do not worry, you will not feel a specific flavor. A slight smell evaporates after drying.
Effective mask for hair growth with cognac
For such a consistency will require:
• 50 gr. Cognac; • A small piece of oak bark (3 / 3cm).

Cognac hair mask with honey and castor oil
This mask with honey and butter also contributes to the recovery of the strands. For its preparation will require:
• One tablespoon of skate; • One teaspoon of any oil to choose from: castor, burdock, olive, almond and others; • One tablespoon of honey.

Hair mask with cognac and coffee for coloring

Cooking process:
• Take 2 chicken yolks or two tablespoons of any vegetable oil, mix with freshly ground coffee, add approximately 4 tablespoons of brandy; • The resulting mixture is applied to all hair, including the tips; • wrap the strands with plastic and wrap with a towel; • The mask on the head lasts about one and a half hours, hours.
The most important thing is to use fresh and natural coffee, because it contains useful substances. The frequency of application of such a cognac mask stops at once a week. Often use this mixture, however, as all of the above, is not recommended.
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