The benefits of using a mask for hair from mayonnaise at
All the benefits of mayonnaise hair masks
When a girl discovers that her curls are lifeless, faded and ugly, she immediately begins to think about the need to visit expensive beauty salons. But not everyone can afford this luxury. We have to think about how to provide care for damaged curls at home. There is an excellent tool - a mask for hair from mayonnaise, the feedback from the use of which is very positive. In addition, it does not require large financial expenditures and gives an incredibly effective result.
The whole secret is this: the composition of this product includes such substances that are aimed at strengthening the hair follicles and accelerated growth of strands. The usual store mayonnaise contains an element rich in valuable substances - egg yolk, vegetable oil, which contains vitamin E, whose role is to maintain the shine and density of hair, and vinegar - an element whose hair benefit is indisputable for strengthening the health of hair.
Periodically frequent use of masks for hair from mayonnaise will add softness to curls, lost shine and lush volume will be returned, the subsequent styling process will be facilitated.
Thanks to a mask for hair from mayonnaise, a woman can give her locks softness and silkiness, because the vegetable oil it contains has a positive effect on them, providing them with nourishing care. In addition, this procedure should be performed on those whose strands have experienced significant damage. Curls gain strong protection from the effects of chemicals for styling. Vegetable oil and protein, working in the complex, do not miss a single hair, forming a thin film on the surface, which is a means of protection.
In addition, the acid-base balance is restored, which is disrupted due to the constant use of shampoos, cosmetics for hair styling. For this reason, the curls become brittle. And the vinegar contained in the composition of mayonnaise, not only restores the balance, but also improves the overall appearance and condition of the strands. Also, when using mayonnaise hair masks, the process of restoring damaged curls, brittle and overdried, due to the effect of protein is accelerated. For this, it is strongly advised for masks to independently prepare mayonnaise using homemade eggs. Restored, as if animated strands, the mixture will help restore shine and health, will give additional volume and pomp.
Cooking homemade mayonnaise for a mask
To make mayonnaise at home, you need to pour the yolks into the cup. Start blending mass with a blender at a slow speed, then gradually moving to a higher one. Next, you should carefully pour the oil, while continuing to beat the yolks, which at this stage should lighten. After that salt, sugar and additionally selected ingredients are added. The mixture should not be liquid, so do not feel sorry for the oil. At the end of cooking you need to add vinegar.
Mayonnaise hair mask - a variety of recipes
Many varied recipes of mayonnaise hair masks were invented, and each of them performs its own function. And here are a few of them.
Mask with mayonnaise and egg
This hair mask with mayonnaise is easily prepared at home, it will add shine and softness to your hair. Besides, it is not at all necessary to add only chicken eggs. You can replace them: add quail eggs to two tablespoons of mayonnaise (all products should be within room temperature), as this will make it easier to distribute the mask of mayonnaise through the hair.
Mask with mayonnaise and honey
Mayonnaise + honey hair masks suggest the following scheme of preparation: mix one tablespoon of the prepared product with one teaspoon of liquid honey and add the same amount of vegetable oil. Having mixed ingredients, it is necessary to put the prepared mask on the basis of mayonnaise on hair. You can keep the tool from half an hour to an hour. If the hair is too long, the amount of ingredients used must be doubled. Apply the mass only to the injured areas (provided that it is of a mixed type of curls). If the hair is non-fat, mayonnaise mask can be applied along the entire length.
Mask with kefir and mayonnaise
The use of kefir and mayonnaise in equal proportions in homemade masks will strengthen and restore hair. The resulting mass is distributed over the entire length of the hair, and then wrapped around the head with a plastic bag and on top of it with a thick towel. For dry hair, the mixture should be kept for forty minutes. If they are fat, then twenty minutes is enough.
Mayonnaise and burdock oil
This mayonnaise-burdock mixture promotes rapid hair growth. To make this mask, you need to divide the mayonnaise into three parts and burdock oil into one part, mixing them. Keep the applied remedy for forty minutes (for the most effective impact, also cover your head with a plastic bag and a towel). This mask is advised to wash off with water in large volumes using a shampoo.
Mayonnaise and Yolk
In severe frosts, it is rather difficult to monitor the condition of the hair and maintain good health of the curls: temperature imbalance, dry air influence - all this has a negative effect, which often leads to overdrying of the curls. And in the spring it turns out that the hair has lost vitality, it looks lifeless and unattractive. To avoid these troubles will allow light nutrient consisting of the above components. You must take two tablespoons of mayonnaise and three yolks (food temperature - room). Before applying the mixture to the strands, it is necessary to heat the mass in a water bath. Leave the applied remedy for twenty minutes, and then rinse thoroughly with water.
To ensure the effectiveness of the result and not wasted efforts, the girl is advised to take a photo before and after application. The changes with their own eyes will be pleased with the effect and will be reassured: mayonnaise is really a worthy remedy that can be safely used for cosmetic purposes.
It is necessary to mention that the duration of the mask from mayonnaise for different types of hair individually. If the girl does not know how many minutes it will be enough to keep the mixture on the curls, you can hold the following test: dip the strands in a cup of water. Floated hair will indicate that they are depleted and in need of nutrition, while oily hair will quickly be at the bottom of the container. Perfect hair condition is considered when strands are held in the middle of a bowl of water.
Using the above recipes hair masks with mayonnaise, each girl will note that the desired result is not long to wait. The condition and appearance of hair will noticeably improve, transform, gain strength, health and beauty.