Shatush on dark long hair


Shatush on dark long hair.

A distinctive feature of shatush staining from traditional highlighting is that staining is carried out without the use of foil. Before the start of the procedure, the master combing his hair, then applying the brightening compound on the individual strands. Sustains 10-30 minutes and washes away.

Shatush on dark long hair.

But the process itself is not as easy as it seems at first glance. If you have dark, not dyed hair of natural shades, then difficulties in the work of an experienced master will not arise. If you constantly dye your hair a rich black, and want to go in shades of blond, then you risk not getting the desired result. Remember, in such a technique it is possible to clarify by 2-3 tones, not higher! Brunettes are recommended more neutral shades: dark ashen, caramel, copper, chocolate, chestnut.

Shatush on dark long hair.

Shatush on dark long hair.

Shatush on dark long hair.

Shatush on dark long hair.

Shatush on dark long hair.

Shatush on dark long hair.

Shatush on dark long hair.

Shatush on dark long hair.

Shatush on dark long hair.

Shatush on dark long hair.

Shatush on dark long hair.

Shatush on dark long hair.

Shatush on dark long hair.

Shatush on dark long hair.

Shatush on dark long hair.

Shatush on dark long hair.

Shatush on dark long hair.

Shatush on dark long hair.

Shatush on dark long hair.

Shatush on dark long hair.

Shatush on dark long hair.