Sealing hair- restore the health of the hair


perfect smooth hair

Now they talk a lot about the procedures that can restore damaged hair. Yes, indeed, a lot of them. Sealing hair is one such procedure, during which you treat hair and restore its structure.

Indications for the sealing procedure

  • overdried strands after dyeing;
  • dull hair, especially in summer;
  • tangled, badly combed curls;
  • split and brittle hair;
  • in the absence of gloss and elasticity.

If you notice similar “symptoms of the disease” on your head of hair - immediately proceed to their treatment and recovery. Of course, you can resort to the services of professional hairdressers and trichologists. But such events need to be carried out regularly and more than once, which causes some inconvenience and quite significantly affects the budget.

If you notice the onset of the problem on time and your curls are not yet in a very depressing state, you can safely, at home, help your hair to acquire natural shine and restore health, and therefore, to restore her beauty.

consolidation of the composition

The main function of the procedure for sealing hair is the restoration of core cement at the cellular level. The procedure is carried out under the influence of heat and not just a warm hat or wrapping cellophane and a towel, and heating with a hair dryer. With the help of such heat exposure, the biologically active substances of the means used are somehow “sealed” into the hair itself. That is why the procedure and acquired the name "sealing".

What do you get, so to speak, on the output:

  • intensive hydration and nourishment of the hair from the outer structure to the surface;
  • "Cementing" the core structure of your hair, which helps to restore;
  • increases the resilience to the external environment;
  • strands become elastic, shiny, docile and easy to comb.

Types of hair sealing

There are two types of professional hair sealing - protein and keratin. Both of them give a wonderful effect and promise a full restoration of the beauty of your hair. But what is the difference?

Protein Sealing Hair

hair structure

Protein sealing of the hair is an intensive cleansing of the hair, its conditioning and restoration. To carry out such a seal, means are used, which include vegetable proteins and proteins. In essence, this event intensively fills strands with protein compounds, which help to restore the structure, natural gloss and silkiness of each hair individually.

After carrying out protein sealing, a protective film is formed on each hair, which lasts for a long time and protects it from the loss of useful trace elements. This procedure must be performed at least 4 times. For severely damaged hair - 2 times a week. For moderately and slightly damaged - 1 time per week.

Keratin hair sealing

Keratin hair sealing is the restoration of the keratin layer in their structure. It should be noted that our 78% hair consists of keratin, 16% lipids, 15% water and 1% pigment, which is responsible for its color. If the percentage is disturbed, the locks lose their natural structure and healthy appearance. That keratin sealing hair is designed to restore their composition. But this is in theory, in practice, the independent use of products that contain keratin is quite problematic and troublesome.

The fact is that such products are quite toxic and require professional skills and appropriate equipment. There are tools that can be used at home, but it is a long and inconvenient process to make such procedures on your own. The price of such masks is quite high. They need to be applied regularly and long enough to achieve the desired result.

keratin cosmetics line

Of the professional tools, the most popular are the Belita masks, which are quite simple to use and allow you to achieve results with your own hands, akin to salon procedures. It is these masks that contain all the necessary components for restoration at home. They give an excellent result in sealing the ends of hair, which will save you from split and unruly curls that you could not comb before.

Use Belita masks, of which there are many, you need to follow the manufacturer's instructions. Although the exposure time can be doubled, then the effect of the mask will be simply excellent.

Homemade hair sealing

If you want to use very much "grandmother's" recipes, which also give good results, try masks with gelatin.

Step-by-step instructions for the preparation and application of masks with gelatin:

  1. Gelatin is dissolved in hot (not boiling!) Water in a ratio of 1: 3. For short strands need 1 tbsp. l gelatin pour 3 tbsp. l hot water. Cover the vessel with a lid on top and leave to infuse for 15-20 minutes. At this time, wash your hair and lightly dry it with a towel. It is necessary to apply a mask on wet locks.
  2. If gelatin is not completely dissolved, heat it in a water bath, but do not boil it! When boiling lost all the useful properties of the product and it will not give the expected result.
  3. Apply the mask on the strands, cover with a warm hat or cellophane and a towel. Warm the hair dryer over the cap on your hair for 15 minutes. Then walk around with the mask for another 30-40 minutes and you can wash it off.

gelatin for super smooth hair

This mask restores hair very well and you achieve the effect of "lamination", but the impact is not only external. After all, the structure itself is being restored at the cellular level. The procedure must be repeated every time you wash your hair.

Warning!!! Do not apply the mask on the root zone and scalp to avoid itching and flaking of the skin.

You can also add other ingredients to your gelatin masks - egg yolk, milk, cream, essential oils, almond, burdock or castor oil. Depending on the degree of damage and the state of your curls.

Sealing hair at home with gelatin is a good alternative to salon care. But do not forget that you need to care for your hair regularly, without waiting for the appearance of very deplorable manifestations of her illness.

Video: keratin hair sealing