Romantic french braid


many braids

A French braid is a pigtail, with an obscure history of origin. Some fashion historians say that the French weaving appeared thanks to the French court hairdresser and therefore began to be called "french". But this version still has no documentary evidence. What is the weaving of French braids?

This braid is braided from 3 strands, it is tightly pressed to the head and slightly deflected to the side. French braid can be braided "vice versa"zigzag slightly similar to "fish tail", and also remind a wreath.

Weave French braids easy, but to become a master of this business, you have to go through a series of trainings for friends who have long hair. After a while, you can easily braid the braid itself. With this hairstyle, you can appear anywhere and at any event.

What is needed for weaving?

The most important thing in this business is the desire to learn and of course free time. Before weaving a French braid, you must purchase the following tools:

long braids

  • Good massage comb;
  • Comb with a long pointed rod at the end;
  • Scrunchy, you can choose as simple, and with decorative ornaments, it all depends on your preferences;
  • Colored satin ribbons, you can turn on their weaving or just tie a pigtail;
  • Invisibles, they will be needed if you have not too long hair or unwanted strands are knocked out of your hair;
  • Means for easy fixing of hair, it can be mousse or varnish;
  • You can also decorate the head and weaving itself with various interesting accessories to your taste (ribbons, beads, rhinestones, coins, flowers, lace, feathers, etc.).

How to weave a French braid? Weaving technique

braid pattern

In order to master the weaving of the French braid, you must start with the most simplified version.

  • This braid is braided straight from the forehead, including in the weaving of a bang straight to the nape.
  • To make the braid look most impressive, it is better to braid it on clean, freshly washed and dried hair. As we have said, this is a three-strand braid.
  • The first thing to do is to separate the 3 strands from the larger mass of hair, using the index finger starting from the forehead, and add the remaining free thumbs to the weave a little other hair on both sides of the head. So you get a tight tight braid of all hair.

second circuit for medium length

This is not the only variation of the French braid, there is also a twisted, reverse French, it is also called the French braid, on the contrary, and some hairdressers call it the Dutch braid. Gentle, romantic weaving instantly conquered modern beauties, such a pigtail can often be seen on girls running for a date with your beloved. How to braid such a braid? The technique is similar to the classic French, only this weaving is a purl.

  1. Well comb your hair so that you do not have tangled strands, then sprinkle some varnish on it or apply mousse on the roots.
  2. After that you should distribute all the hair on one side. To braid you need to start with the line of the forehead. You need to select 1 large strand from the rest of the hair and divide it into 3 even parts.
  3. The extreme strand on the right side of the head must be stretched to the strand located in the middle, and after the central strand to the right strand on the right side, and left over it. Repeat these steps again.
  4. Strands need to be woven into the braid on both sides of the head, until you reach the back of the head. Reaching the neck continue to weave to the end of the length of the hair.
  5. When finished braiding, tie the pigtail with a rubber band or ribbon.

how to braid yourself

As another option, it is careless, disheveled, or lace braid. It is done very easily, you just weave a classic French braid, and then gently loosen the weave and release a few strands of the braid to the outside.

French braid

Hair should be clean, freshly washed and dried.

  1. Apply lacquer or mousse to the hair to fix and boldly start braiding the braid.
  2. You need to make a parting respecting the hairline, the parting is located from ear to ear. Tie the remaining curls with a rubber band or stabbed with a barrette so that they would not disturb you.
  3. Start weaving on the side of the left ear, weaving can be any of the techniques of French weaving. Strands for weaving should not be too wide.
  4. Weave a pigtail in the direction of the right ear.
  5. After you do not have strands to add to the braid, tie curls or continue to braid until the very end, and then pin the end with a barrette.

French zigzag braid

zigzag braid

This pigtail will be easier to braid on the second day after washing your head. So the hairs will not fall out of the hair and the image will be impeccable. For weaving suitable short, medium and of course long hair. If you have long or medium length hair, the first thing you need to do is to stab your bangs and highlight the part on the side on the side that you think is more comfortable for you.

  1. On the side where the smaller part of the parting you need to select 3 identical strands and start weaving. Correct zigzag braid, covers the hair only at the top.
  2. When you find yourself on the opposite side of your head, then lower down and twist the pigtail in the opposite direction and continue to weave. With this manipulation with a 90 degree turn, you will achieve the desired zigzag.
  3. After that you weave a braid and gradually it takes the form of the letter Z.
  4. The remaining hair you collect in a bun and tie it with a beautiful tape or rubber band.

Kosa- French Falls

The French Falls are gorgeous French braids with flowing strands. Such hairstyles can not be classified as light, but if you make an effort and a bit of patience, then you will learn how to weave one of the most beautiful hairstyles.

waterfall spit scheme

  1. Select 3 equal widths for the forehead. We call these strands, upper, middle, and also lower;
  2. The top strand should be put on the middle and lower in the middle between the upper and middle strands;
  3. The bottom strand we leave alone. On the downside, you need to select a new order, it will also participate in the process. With this strand we repeat the same thing as in the second stage. Just like in the classic variation, the upper strand needs to be done with the grip. After the completion of one of the spit tiers, all the bottom strands remain;
  4. Weave weave up to the desired features and tie up the hair.

This, of course, not all variations of how you can make beautiful French braids. With time and desire, you will master the rest, no less interesting variants of braids.

Video: how to braid the French Waterfall

How to make a braid more original?

If you become boring of the usual image of such a hairstyle, then you can make your image more interesting just by adding a beautiful ribbon to the weaving, it can be any color and texture. It will not be easy for a novice in braiding her braids to include such a ribbon in her hair, but time and practice will correct this situation. To facilitate weaving, use only thin ribbons. In addition to the ribbon, you can decorate the hair with rhinestones or fresh flowers, with the addition of such accessories you will get a feminine and sexy look.

Video: French braid weaving

Explore this beautiful hairstyle and become even more attractive!