Rococo hairstyles


frame from photo shoot

The Rococo era has passed long ago, but its echoes are still preserved. And these are not only works of art of that time, but also fashion elements. Many still puzzled over how to make a rococo hairstyle or repeat makeup. And this is really not easy.

Rococo hairstyles general

Hairstyles of the Rococo era were distinguished by their intricacy. At first it was just cleaned hair, raised up. But then they began to be made too high, with a lot of jewelry, which used flowers, feathers, ribbons, pearls ... It was difficult to do something with my hair on my own, so every court lady had a personal or visiting hairdresser.

Sometimes the hairstyle was made so long and painfully that the woman then wore it for a week. She tried to walk and sleep very carefully so that each curl remained in its place. Sometimes a hat was woven directly into the hair, which made the image even more bizarre. But this is exactly what the ladies wanted. Rococo hairstyles were a benchmark of style.

Kirsten Dunst as Marie Antoinette

Rococo today

Modern girls do not even represent what works cost the masters to do her hair. After all, they had neither mousse, nor hairspray, nor curling ... Today, rococo hairstyles are rarely used for everyday wear. More often they are made for fashion or theatrical productions. Rococo wedding hairstyles are also popular. There are no detailed step-by-step instructions for them, but there are basic provisions that can be followed.

  1. Do not feel sorry for hairspray. Fix them every lock, every strand;
  2. No bangs. If you have it, then it will have to be laid in the hair, fixing varnish;
  3. All rococo hairstyles are based on high fleece, so be prepared that the hair after matting will be matted;
  4. Almost any styling can be disguised as a rococo with accessories. Look at ideas on the Internet, study ancient portraits of court ladies and try to make a hairpin with your own hands.

Rococo bride

If at your wedding you decided to recreate the atmosphere of this era and chose an appropriate magnificent dress, then you need to style your hair in the style of that time. It’s unlikely that it will be possible to do it with your own hands, so most often brides turn to salons or to their handcuffed girlfriends. Imagine a step-by-step scheme for making a rococo hair style.

Recreate a giant hairstyle for the wedding should not be. The bride will be uncomfortable, and difficult to do something like that at home. Therefore, as a sample, choose the option presented in the photo below. Modest, modern, but in the spirit of Rococo - with a pile and without bangs.

elegant wedding styling

  1. We take a large strand from the forehead and do bouffant;
  2. Fix it with lacquer and create volume. We pin a strand of stealth on the top of the head;
  3. The rest of the hair is collected in a high tail. The photo shows a smooth styling, but if desired, the hair can be pre-podavit on large curlers. If there are beautiful waves on the head, it will be closer to that era. Curls do not forget to fix varnish;
  4. We take small strands from the tail, curl them with a curling iron and fasten it on the head with the help of invisible hairpins and hairpins;
  5. The resulting curls should be placed on the head so as to completely hide the elastic holding the tail.

The larger the bouffant will be, and the higher you make the tail, the more your styling will look like a rococo. If your hair is very thick, you can not do the tail, but a bunch, but not all of them. It is possible to decorate wedding hairstyles in rococo style in any way. It is better if it will be satin ribbons in the color of the wedding dress, flowers, various accessories, feathers.

Video: Rococo style hairstyles