Porous hair


You ran your hand through your hair, and it turned out that to the touch they were not at all smooth and silky? If your curls after with such an elementary check turned out to be rough, you can be sure that you have increased the number of owners of porous hair, which require increased attention and difficult care. If time does not take action, the hair becomes brittle, faded, poorly amenable to styling. Why can even naturally healthy hair become porous?

Porous hair

Porous hair become as a result of exposure to adverse external factors (coloring, thermal effects, hard water). The hair becomes porous when the top layer of the hair (cuticle) is damaged. Healthy hair should be smooth, all its scales are tightly pressed, the damaged hair scales rise and the hair becomes porous. Because of this, dust, dirt, cosmetics penetrates deep into the hair, which also leads to brittle hair.

Porous hair

Next, we consider the main causes of this negative phenomenon.

Causes of Porous Hair

There are many reasons that lead to the porosity of the hair. All because of the desire of the fair sex to achieve the ideal of beauty. Soon, you may need to take care of porous hair if you: • subject your curls to chemical curling; • regularly use a hairdryer to dry hair; • you often paint strands with paint that contains aggressive dyes.

Porous Hair Care and Porous Hair Masks

In order to prevent the appearance of pores in the hair structure, it is necessary to minimize the negative impact of external factors on them, which entail the rise of scales. If this problem has already overtaken you, then special care will help restore the hair structure.

If possible, protect your hair from heat exposure. It is advisable to abandon the use of hair dryers, hot curling, ironing, styling products.

The body should be provided with the necessary amount of vitamins and minerals necessary for healthy hair. To do this, enter into the diet: fresh fruits and vegetables, meat, fish dishes, seafood.

For washing porous hair Suitable soft water and shampoo for professional care. It is desirable that the composition of the means for washing as one of the main components appeared protein, which is able to strengthen the hair structure. It is desirable that the shampoo were oils that will nourish the hair, restore elasticity.

As an additional care, you can use special balms and revitalizing serums, homemade masks, which contribute to the closure of hair scales.

The mask for the care of porous hair restoring

• egg yolks - 2 pcs .; • kefir - 100 ml; • burdock oil - 30 ml.

The ingredients are mixed together, while they must be at room temperature, or pre-heat the kefir a little. The mixture is rubbed into the scalp, is distributed through the hair, then a plastic hat is put on it. Over polyethylene should wrap your head with a towel. The mask should be left to affect for 20 - 30 minutes, after - wash off and allow the hair to dry naturally.

Mask for the care of porous hair with avocado and coconut

Porous hair

• ripe avocado fruit - 1 pc .; • olive oil - 2 - 3 tbsp. l .; • coconut oil - 2 - 3 tbsp. l

Avocados should be peeled and mashed to obtain a homogeneous slurry. Coconut oil is heated, then mixed with avocado pulp and olive oil.

The mask is applied to the scalp and hair, pre-dividing them into strands. The head needs to be wrapped and insulated. For half an hour, the mask remains on the hair, then its remains must be washed off under running water. At the end of the procedure - wash your hair as usual.

Mask for porous hair with wheat germ oil

• lemon juice - 1 tbsp. l .; • fatty milk or cream - 1 tbsp. l .; • wheat germ oil - 2 - 3 tbsp. l

Wheat germ oil can be purchased at any pharmacy. Rub the mixture into the roots and distribute through the hair. Put on a plastic cap and wrap up with a towel. Soak for one hour, then rinse with water using professional shampoo.