Popular types of hair coloring


Popular types of hair coloring
In order to remain stylish and bright, it is sometimes necessary to change your image and carefully think over a new one. In addition to dress-code, hairstyles, make-up and other elements of beauty, an excellent innovation for your style will be popular types of hair dye, which will drastically change both the external image and the attitude of others. An interesting and harmonious color of the curls will indicate your tidiness, accuracy and attentiveness, as well as proper social status. This article will reveal all the unusual fashion ideas, new types and techniques of applying different shades.

Fashionable types of hair coloring - photos of different options

Ombre Hair Coloring Technique

Ombre style implies a transition from one hair color to another. The classification of this type of coloring depends on the length of the strands, the number of applied tones and the selected height of colored hair. Thus, if your curls have a dark color, then the most appropriate would be to degrade or otherwise, stretching the color. The paint is applied to the middle of the strand and stretches to the very tips. As a result, a light shade is obtained at the bottom of the hair, and a beautiful gradient transition is observed along the length.

Popular types of hair coloring
Popular types of hair coloring

A variant of the shatush technique also applies to the ombra dyeing technique, but is distinguished by a smoother transition (feather), which is expressed after the application of dye pigments. About him will be discussed below. You should write about modern shadow coloring ombre, which uses bright colors. Stretching can use red, red, green, blue, in general, all the rainbow colors. This image is suitable for modern activists who do not hesitate to be lively and cheerful.

Popular types of hair coloring
Popular types of hair coloring

To taste the creative hair dyeing, see here.

The effect of the reverse ombre implies dyeing the tips of the hair in dark shades. Looks very stylish and unusual.

Popular types of hair coloring
Popular types of hair coloring

Ombre hair dyeing technique is suitable for absolutely any length of strands, and the modernization of the style began to use different heights of paint application. All listed types of ombre hair dyeing is recommended to look at the photo, demonstrating all the attractiveness and multidirectionality of this color technique.

Popular types of hair coloring
Popular types of hair coloring
Popular types of hair coloring

Popular types of hair coloring
Popular types of hair coloring
Popular types of hair coloring

Hair dyeing technique

The similarity of styles balambazh and ombre obvious. But the only difference is that in the first case the dye is applied mainly on the ends of the hair, and in the second case, as mentioned above, the stretching begins approximately from the middle of the head. The technique of dyeing hair balayazh requires great care and professionalism of the master, because only the exact application of paint will contribute to the appearance of effective and desired result. The balayazh technique implies a superficial brightening of the bottom of the hair, and the transition between dark and light shades is quite blurred. France, the founder of this type of coloring, forced the girls to choose balayazh, due to its expressive and fashionable image. Recall that with this technique, only some strands are painted, and not the entire perimeter of the head. The hairstyle looks well-groomed and most importantly, the growing roots remain invisible. Balayazh is a universal technique that fits any hair length and age criterion. Also, with the help of such coloring, the strands become visually more voluminous and “more alive” with the very minimum number of visits to beauty salons. The photo shows all kinds of hair dyeing balayazh on different lengths of strands.

Popular types of hair coloring
Popular types of hair coloring
Popular types of hair coloring

Popular types of hair coloring
Popular types of hair coloring

Shatush hair coloring technique

For a general understanding of the style of shatush, pay attention to the photo, which is a variation of the technique of applying color. When coloring hair, two close shades are used, which allow the curls to get the effect of burned out. Shatush can be used both on the entire length of the strands and on the tips. This staining technique involves dark roots and light ends. Therefore, she will sit perfectly on brunettes or brown-haired women. With a strong desire, blondes; In this case, ammonia paint should be used, and it is very harmful to the hair. After carrying out a similar procedure, there is no need to visit the hairdresser for six months, since the regrown roots will not be evident. It is for this cost savings, beauty and love this style. The technique of dyeing shatush hair is to stretch two shades of a single scale across the entire head and give a natural look, as if the hair were perfectly burned out in the sun. Smooth and soft transitions - this is the motto of such a technique of shatush, which turns into a delightful result. We can say that shatush combines all the above-mentioned methods of coloring, but its goal is maximum naturalness. Style is not new, but still remains in the leading positions. Forms of hair dye in the style of shatush presented on the photo.

Popular types of hair coloring
Popular types of hair coloring
Popular types of hair coloring

Marble hair coloring - photo

Often had to meet animals with a marble color. It is quite rare and unique, transmitted through genes. The world of fashion and technology is constantly in development, so the opportunity to make your curls, artificially iridescent in the sun, and create a certain game of color with the help of marble coloring. The effect of marble is created by applying paint without removing the previous base. That is, at first all hair is tinted in one color, and after its application, the strands are lightened into several tones. The primary color is predominantly dark, noble, and as natural as possible, and the second application can use lighter shades, but not lower than 2-4 colors. The result is an unusual color, which increases the volume of hair and gives saturation to color. The technique and scheme of marble dyeing of hair may vary depending on their type and structure. Unfortunately, owners of short haircuts are not advisable to use this type of painting, since the proper effect of shading of shades will not be obtained. The hairstyle looks very expensive and of high quality, as if you spend all the time at the reception at the hairdresser. Do not forget that any technique, including the marble coloring of hair, the photo of which is given below, further requires constant care to maintain a long-lasting effect. Use a mask that restores the mixture and strengthens shampoos.

Popular types of hair coloring
Popular types of hair coloring
Popular types of hair coloring

Turtle hair dyeing - photo

A rather new look - an intricate tortoise dyeing of hair, relies on naturalness in the female image. It does not combine sharp transitions, but not as simple as it may seem at first glance.

The main role in the "tortoise" technique is played by the selected shades and their composed combinations. The color scheme is reminiscent of the color of a turtle shell, as it combines the colors of chocolate, mahogany, caramel, honey or chestnut shades, including the golden blond. The secret of this procedure lies in the soft transitions of dark shades that cover the entire length of the hair. The play of light occurs at the bottom of the curls, which gives special expressiveness to the ends. Tortoise hair coloring creates a natural and luxurious look. An excellent choice would be chocolate - coffee gamma, which was picked up by such stars as D. Lopez and P. Cruz. The highlight will be the addition of blond shade, radically changing the image of hair. Pay attention to the external image of D. Aniston, whose tortoise dyeing of hair was done in light colors. The appearance on the strands of glare creates the effect of volume and pomp, which many technicians are trying to achieve, but unfortunately without result. Also, you should not hurry with the choice and pay attention to the zonal hair coloring.

Popular types of hair coloring
Popular types of hair coloring
Popular types of hair coloring

Watercolor hair coloring 

Watercolor technique is a completely new trend that uses an infinite amount of light color variations. It combines at least three shades, and is applied on the parietal zone of the head in a row. Selected shades are mixed immediately, but the base hair color should be perfectly smooth. Therefore, before this procedure, it is necessary to align the shade or touch up the regrown hair roots. Watercolor coloring does not harm the strands and shows a peculiar and interesting image. Since the painting is performed in the parietal part of the head, and not on its entire surface, the coloring itself takes a little time. But it is unique, as well-chosen shades and a good base, may at the end get a unique hair color and is very similar to the bulk 3D hair coloring.

Popular types of hair coloring
Popular types of hair coloring
Popular types of hair coloring

Watercolor dyeing of hair is safe, as only some of the hair is used in the work. Most importantly, such painting can be carried out at home, if competently approach the matter.

This method gives a certain novelty strands, while it does not look catchy. The unique shade will have to be maintained through constant staining of the roots, otherwise the overall look will not look very harmonious and natural. Watch the video and see for yourself.

Hair coloring brondirovanie

All mentioned types of hair coloring are unique and interesting. But it is worth mentioning another hit of the season - booking. This is a delicious mix of highlighting and coloring of hair, with which strands get a more natural look and soft play of color. Booking options are huge:

  • The deepening of hair color from the ends to the roots;
  • The effect of burnt strands;
  • A game of several shades;
  • Transition from dark to light color;
  • Tint frame of individual strands.

“BROND” color solutions are within chocolate, brown, coffee, light brown and golden shades. Thus, hair dyeing brondirovanie allows you to go from virtually any actual hair color to the desired. A neat combination of dark and light colors is the purpose of brondirovaniya. Light strands should differ from the main mass only by 2 - 3 shades, not more. This is a great way to achieve the desired result, even from a hopeless situation. Familiarize yourself with photos that demonstrate hair coloring; brondirovanie - a beautiful overflow of colors and enliven the curls, thereby making the image expressive and bright.

Popular types of hair coloring
Popular types of hair coloring
Popular types of hair coloring

Venetian hair coloring

Hair dyeing styles that create the effect of burnt color, the current trend of the world of fashion and beauty. One of them is Venetian highlighting on dark curls, which allows you to avoid mistakes and choose the most natural image. Another plus that makes fashionistas choose this Venetian technique is an update that does not require frequent visits to the hairdresser. If suddenly there is a desire to give the curls a dark tone, then it is only necessary to use toning.

Venetian hair dye does not use foil in its technique. For a common understanding, when the hair is in the foil, the effect of lightening is enhanced, which creates sharp transitions. The first way, on the contrary, allows transitions to be smooth and soft. Hair coloring options, which combine several colors, give the hair a healthy appearance and natural naturalness.

The paint is applied with a brush and on specially selected strands, which allows for a smooth color shimmer. It is important not to affect the root zone, that is, the paint is applied at a distance of at least 3 cm from it.

Popular types of hair coloring
Popular types of hair coloring
Popular types of hair coloring

With the help of Venetian dyeing, the hair plays “in a new way” and creates wonderful modulations that look beautiful in sunlight. Since there are no clear boundaries between shades, therefore, regrown roots will not be noticeable and visible. And this is a significant plus to avoid frequent repetition of the procedure.

Each type of hair coloring is unique and created in order to achieve the desired result. It is simply necessary to update your image, not only for external changes, but also for internal comfort. In any case, if necessary, it will be possible to return the original look to the curls, if you need good reasons.