Pepper tincture for hair growth
Why use pepper tincture?
No mask can change the program of hair growth, which is incorporated genetically. But why after the masks stimulating hair growth, we see a good result? It is very easy to explain.
The fact is that our hair does not grow in full force, this is due to the influence of various factors:- climatic conditions; - lack of vitamins, minerals, proteins and other useful components; - bad habits, excessive consumption of coffee, alcohol, smoking; - effect of styling products, hair dyes, - stress, - unhealthy diet;
Pepper tincture for hair growth activates blood circulation, which certainly contributes to hair growth, as well as reduces hair loss.
How to apply pepper tincture to your hair?
Since the action of pepper vodka is heating, which stimulates hair growth, activates dormant bulbs, it is necessary to apply it only on the scalp, and in no case on the length.Pepper tincture for hair contains alcohol, which can provoke dry hair. After the mask is applied, the head is warmed. This will help prevent the rapid evaporation of alcohol and enhance the effectiveness of the mask.
How long does it take to keep a pepper mask on your hair?
There are no clear rules, keep the mask from half an hour and unlimited time. If you wish, you can leave it all night.
How to determine the proportions of pepper vodka?
Remember that after applying the mask with pepper vodka, you should feel a strong, but quite tolerable burning sensation. If you are afraid of burning the scalp, then it is better to start with a minimum concentration of 1 part pepper per 5 parts of other components (1: 5). If the burning is too strong, then the mask should be washed off and the next time put pepper in a lower concentration, or vice versa, if the mask does not burn at all.
How often can I make masks with pepper vodka?
Usually such masks make the course. Pepper mask is enough to do 2 times per week, approximate course - 3 months. You can take this course once a year. The key to success of this mask is regularity, if you only make a mask according to your mood, then you should not expect an effect.
Recommendations for the use of pepper tincture:
one. Remember that pepper vodka is prepared with alcohol, so use caution with a pepper vodka mask for dry hair, this can increase dryness and cause dandruff. Therefore, be sure to add base oils to the mask (almond, olive, linseed, etc.)
2 To enhance the effect, add essential oils to the pepper mask.
3 After applying pepper tincture, try not to apply styling products on the scalp, do not use hard combs, and do not use chemical dyes.
four. When applying pepper mask, be extremely careful not to get in your eyes, otherwise you will get a strong burning sensation.
five. If you have dry or sensitive skin of your hands, put on plastic gloves before applying.
6 Remember that diluting the pepper vodka you can only increase the burning sensation.
Pepper Hair Masks help you grow long and beautiful hair, but do not forget a few important rules: - Apply pepper tincture only to the scalp; - Regularly make masks with pepper vodka but not more than 2-3 times a week; - For dry hair, we add peppermint oil; head