Original and simple hairstyles for teen girls


Original and simple hairstyles for teen girls
Teenagers in search of themselves are ready to move mountains. Some of them mercilessly dye their hair in breathtaking shades, and someone shaves the temples or the back of the head. On this side, hairstyles for teen girls are a gentle way to tell the world about yourself. Whatever you want from such transformations - to find your own style, to differ from your peers, or to tell about your inner world - you will succeed. Just use the following hairstyles.

Hairstyles for teenagers girls: self-expression is at stake

The choice of hairstyle for teen girls comes down to the following. Hair to hair - in 2018, such pedantry will not find understanding, and among girls 12,13,14,15,16 years and even more so! Not only is this discordant with the course set on naturalness given by stylists, but also how much time should be killed in front of a mirror. Clearly, teenagers will find more important lessons. Practicality, even among youth in price. And beautiful hairstyles, easily embodied in his own way, figuratively speaking “on the go,” are the unspoken trend of any high school girl.

Teen hairstyles: looking for your style

Beams variety

Modern teenage hairstyles are difficult to imagine without a tambler reading in the form of bunches. The main feature of the Tambler hairstyle featured by many teenagers (tumblr) - negligence. It is worth making two bunches on short hair, - and you not only added zest to the image, but also made it ultrafashionable.

Original and simple hairstyles for teen girls

But because of the popularity of this hairstyle, many do not want to adjoin the crowd of those who already wear it. Those who want uniqueness will like the following options for its implementation. Connect two beams into one, but make it intentionally hypertrophied.

Original and simple hairstyles for teen girls

Or to add a careless bundle, collecting curls at the top, with a thin pigtail, lost in the thick of the loose part of the hair.

Original and simple hairstyles for teen girls

A tall single bunch made with the help of a donut looks great in a tandem with a scythe in its various interpretations. For example, it can either go from the neck and twist it around the entire diameter, or have elements of weaving in its central part. Bagel hairstyles are very popular among adolescent girls.

Original and simple hairstyles for teen girls
Original and simple hairstyles for teen girls

By the way, in the hairstyles for teen girls girls beam bundle. It can, as can be seen from the step-by-step photo, consist of an already finished tail, and of a not fully stretched out and fixed in a fan. Take, for example, a pair of such beams at the crown. The loose ends are deliberately not removed and formed into light waves, and the curls backwards make the hairstyle particularly memorable. A lot of options for creating hairstyles “two bunches” look here.

Original and simple hairstyles for teen girls

However, the role of the original element on the back of the head will play easily and a simple overlap of the strands, as shown in the following photo.

Original and simple hairstyles for teen girls

And it is worth collecting hair into a ponytail and braid the upper segment in a braid, putting it over the roll from the rest, and the new version of the beam is ready! Great hairstyle for girls for every day.

Original and simple hairstyles for teen girls

Even if the length does not allow fantasy to roam, a simple bunch of short hair will perfectly remove the curls from the face and make a variety. Yes, and it is elementary: make the tail, and on the last turn of the gum just leave a loop of hair.

Original and simple hairstyles for teen girls

You can experiment not only with location and shape, but also with parting. So, the rectilinear version, which is familiar to everyone, is easy to transform into a zigzag. Why not go even further and turn it into ... a scythe! Teen girls really like braids. This is one of their favorite hairstyles.

Original and simple hairstyles for teen girls

Modern braids

Fashionable teen hairstyles abound in weaving. And if for the previous option you need to gain a certain dexterity, then the following are performed in two accounts! Let's go from elementary to simple. If you do not know how to decorate your short hair, then just fly in from the side a couple of plaits-braids.

Original and simple hairstyles for teen girls

Having a length below the shoulders, you can easily beautify them with retracted strands.

Original and simple hairstyles for teen girls

Original and simple hairstyles for teen girls

Speaking of hairstyles for adolescent girls, how not to admire the modern look of an ordinary braid. It was transformed not by an additional 4-5-6th strand, but by accessories. So, a stylized bandage and a decorative leather cord woven into a braid will perfectly support the boho style.

Original and simple hairstyles for teen girls

If you do not know how to organically fit the accessory into the general image, braid an additional braid! The most common. Do you remember experiments on the way to your style? So: where it is customary to see collected hair, a braid, even the simplest one, will look original. Do not forget to fluff each segment of weaving.

Original and simple hairstyles for teen girls

Fashionable hairstyles for teenagers in 2018 are two braids stretching from the forehead to the neck. And no matter how long your hair is. For example, a regrown haircut, braided in two French braids, looks very nice. Strands that fall below the shoulders, easily transformed into a version over it.

Original and simple hairstyles for teen girls
Original and simple hairstyles for teen girls

Especially like teenagers 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 years old, two braids, on the contrary, are a little lowered on the back of the head and therefore such natural.

Original and simple hairstyles for teen girls

However, do not confuse naturalness with the usual format. Hairstyles for teenagers (the photo confirms this) exclude the ordinariness and the “like everything” format. And because the spit here takes a very different direction. It can stretch from one temple to another, or swerve to the side.

Original and simple hairstyles for teen girls
Original and simple hairstyles for teen girls

Having settled across the top of the vertex, the spit unexpectedly ends with a regular tail. Two braids in a row with a technique on the contrary - also a worthy decoration of any hairstyle.

Original and simple hairstyles for teen girls
Original and simple hairstyles for teen girls

As a hairstyle in a school for teenagers, a bezel from a braid will fit in 5 minutes with the capture of only strands from the face.

Original and simple hairstyles for teen girls

On short hair in 2018, waterfall weaving became popular. Having passed around the perimeter of the head, this braid sets the shape of the entire hairstyle and brings a touch of romance to it. For those cases when you want to look special, weaving will be able to “pull out” the whole hairstyle, even if its length is very modest. Make out the whiskey French braid, and dark hair lift a pile - and voila: ready for publication!

Original and simple hairstyles for teen girls
Original and simple hairstyles for teen girls

Experiments with tails and not only ...

From the above photo hairstyles for teen girls it is clear that the tails are paired with some element. But your peers are not limited to this and go further in search of their style. See how you can still beautifully beat the collected hair. Take, for example, a cascade of inverted tails. First, a strand is activated at the temple, then - just below, after - with a shift in the direction of the neck. Each collected tail is pulled through the hair above the rubber band. The resulting hairstyle resembles a braid, but looks very non-standard.

Original and simple hairstyles for teen girls

Another variant on the technique of execution resembles a child's hairstyle from thin elastic bands. Here, too, the hair must be broken into sectors. That's just the difference is that they mimic the clipped temple or asymmetry, which is perfect for short hair.

Original and simple hairstyles for teen girls

Thin strands are easy to beat with the help of a regular bow. Take them from the temple and take them back, tying them on the back of the head, as usual laces are tied. It remains to fix the hairpin - and girlish cute hairstyle is ready!

Original and simple hairstyles for teen girls

Curls tucked to the back of the head can be made in a special and different way. It is distinguished by the use of additional strands, a beautiful bend of which is securely fixed by the invisible. A slight bouffant and hair pulling at the top of the head will give the desired volume. A hairstyle of such a plan is by virtue of any girl: it's easy to prepare for a party yourself!

Original and simple hairstyles for teen girls

Original and simple hairstyles for teen girls

And the next one - at the expense of a beautiful shawl - will help to be bright and on a walk.

Original and simple hairstyles for teen girls

As you can see, experiments with appearances can be gentle. Why not try a couple of options? After all, healthy hair is still useful in adult life.

A variety of haircuts for teenage girls in 2018 look here.