Olive oil for beautiful hair

Olive oil for beautiful hair

Olive oil, or as the great Homer called it “liquid gold”, it is no wonder that it is considered healing, because it is a storehouse of vitamins and minerals.

This wonderful oil contains vegetable proteins, protein, amino acids, and vitamins. A, B, C, D, E, F, K. The bottom of the great benefits of olive oil is that, unlike other vegetable oils, it very rarely causes allergies. In cosmetology use this oil: for face and body, for nails, for hair, for massage.

Now on the market you can find several types of olive oil:

Extra virgin (Extra Virgin Olive Oil) - considered the oil of the best quality, the first cold pressed. It is this oil that is usually used for cosmetic purposes, as it contains the most beneficial components.

Virgin (Virgin Olive Oil) - the same high-grade oil and the first cold pressed. Such oil is refined, and then Extra Virgine oil is added to it, as a rule, the share of Extra Virgine is 20%.

Refined Olive Oil - this oil is completely refined, that is, refined. This type contains almost no odor, as well as beneficial components and vitamins. Therefore, we are interested in this type of oil least of all.

Olive oil for beautiful hair

So, for cosmetic purposes it is recommended to use oil Extra virgin or Virgin.

Olive oil strengthens and heals hair, prevents hair loss, gives softness and shine, as well as helps to eliminate dandruff.

Olive oil can be used in pure form for hair, or combined with other types of oils.

Olive oil masks

If you use only olive oil, then it is recommended for better effect. heat up, and then evenly distribute the hair. You can keep a little on your hair without restrictions, it can be 30 minutes before shampooing, or you can leave it all night.

The masks from this oil treat damaged hair, retain their structure, moisturize the ends of the hair.

Olive oil can also accelerate hair growth, as it stimulates the growth of scalp and hair cells.

It is scientifically proven that regular use of olive oil for hair restores hair follicles and moisturizes the scalp.

Mask of olive oil and jojoba oil

Very often, olive oil is the basis for a variety of hair masks. One of the most useful and effective masks is the mask of olive oil and jojoba oil. These two base oils are mixed in equal proportions and applied to the hair.

Mask of olive oil and yolks

Another good mask is a mixture of yolks and olive oil. For this mask, mix 2 egg yolks with 30 gr. oils. The mixture is whipped and applied to the hair, hold for 30 minutes, and wash off with shampoo. This mask will give hair shine and strengthen them.

Homemade mask with olive oil and lemon juice (restoring)

We will need: 2 tbsp. l olive oil and 1. tsp. lemon juice. Heat the mixture to the optimum temperature and apply to the hair. We put on a hat and wrap the head. You can keep the composition from 30 minutes to 3 hours. After rinse hair with shampoo.

Olive oil and honey

3 tbsp. l olive oil mixed with 2 tbsp. l honey Apply to hair and insulate your head. Keep the mask for 15 minutes.

Mask with olive oil against split ends

Ingredients: Olive oil (2 tbsp. L.) Vinegar (1 tsp.) Yolk Mix vinegar with oil, and then add whipped yolk. Carefully interfere.

Before use, it is recommended to warm the mixture slightly. Then put on the tips and leave for half an hour.

Mask for hair loss olive oil + vodka (brandy)

Mix a tablespoon of warm olive oil with two tablespoons of vodka or brandy. We rub the mixture in the roots of the head for an hour. If you use this mask regularly, it will help to cope with hair loss.

Mask of olive oil and hot pepper (pepper tincture)

It is also one of the most effective hair loss masks for hair growth. A spoonful of olive oil mixed with a spoonful of pepper tincture (you can buy it at the pharmacy or prepare it yourself). Heat and apply on the roots of the head. It is recommended to warm the head. The time of exposure depends on the sensations.

Masks based on olive oil can come up with a lot, as well as not add to add it to other masks recipes.