Night hair masks - secrets and effective recipes
When hair splits, thin, lose their luster and natural volume, this is a clear signal to take steps to restore them. In pursuit of beauty, young ladies often subject their strands to harmful thermal and chemical tests. Sometimes they exhaust themselves with diets, depriving the scalp of essential trace elements and vitamins. Fortunately, this process is reversible. Independently at home, you can return a brilliant look and health to your curls: an effective method for this is hair masks for the night, as evidenced by numerous user reviews.
Vitamins - to help hair
In order for the appearance of the hair to please you, it should receive vitamin feed:
- retinol (vitamin “A”) - is responsible for the flexibility and elasticity of the strands;
- tocopherol (vitamin “E”) - is responsible for immunity and contributes to the activation of blood circulation in the subcutaneous layer;
- thiamine, cyanocobalamin, riboflavin (vitamins of group "B") - strengthen the hair follicle, accelerate the growth of hair, return shine and volume;
- ascorbic acid (vitamin “C”) - promotes the absorption of iron, strengthens blood vessels, activates cell renewal, protects the roots.
This is not a complete list of essential elements, but without these basic vitamins, hair will be difficult to cope with negative external factors. Useful elements come to us mainly from food, but sometimes they are not enough. Night mask for hair, enriched with missing micro / macro elements, will serve as an additional source of vitamins.
We characterize hair types by special features.
In order to properly select nutritional hair masks for the night, you need to decide what type of your hair: dry, oily or normal.
- For dry hair, dandruff and itching of the skin are characteristic, as well as brittleness and delamination at the tips; therefore, they are useful for nourishing and moisturizing masks, as well as dandruff.
- Oily hair shine and have an untidy appearance due to active secretions of the sebaceous glands, for them masks will be an excellent solution, removing excess fatty secretions, as well as moisturizing compositions.
- Because normal hair is so called, that all indicators correspond to the norm. For them, the best solution will be a mask for hair growth, hair loss, etc.
- Sometimes the hair has signs of different types. For example, at the roots it is oily, and at the tips is dry. In this case, they need to feed in stages, using appropriate masks at each site.
Features of night masks
Night masks for hair, cooked with your own hands at home, distinguish:
- for the duration of use;
- on the intensity of penetration of trace elements in the hair;
- on a set of nutrients.
If the masks contain aggressive products such as mustard, pepper, onion, alcohol tinctures, it is better to apply them for a short time - no more than two hours. However, the most effective and gentle method for deep penetration of the nutrient mixture is a mask for hair at night. Products in this case, you need to use "sparing" that do not cause irritation: vegetable oils and decoctions, dairy products, fruit and vegetable neutral mixtures.
Night hair mask allows us to save time, which is an important factor in organizing self-care, because not everyone can afford a long day procedure.
Instructions for the procedure
Hair mask for the night is selected individually, depending on their type. The scheme of their application is simple, but requires the implementation of some instructions.
- The nutritional mixture should be prepared immediately before the procedure, so that it is fresh. The only exceptions are ready-made products - honey, oil or vegetable tinctures.
- Start the procedure about an hour before bedtime, so that the liquid elements of the nutrient composition are absorbed into the skin and do not flow down the pillow during sleep.
- Before applying the composition, it is necessary to massage the scalp with your own hands for about 10 minutes to activate blood circulation in the epithelium.
- Apply the mixture slightly warmed to dry and combed strands.
- You need to start from the roots, greasing them step by step, dividing the comb into partings. Then handle the rest of the length of the hair, carefully promazyvaya tips.
- Put a plastic bag or a shower cap on your head. Knit a cotton scarf over it. To avoid contamination, wrap a pillow over a towel.
- In the morning, rinse your head with warm water and vinegar (5 liters of water - 1 tbsp) or herbal decoction. If necessary, wash the curls with shampoo.
Night Mask Recipes by Hair Type
Note that the mask for hair at night should focus on the individual needs and characteristics of your body and hair. Do not use products for which you have an allergic reaction. To check for compatibility with the components of the mask, apply the nutrient mixture to the skin behind the ear beforehand: if there is no irritation (redness, peeling, itching) - you can safely get down to business.
Dry, damaged and weak hair
A significant advantage enjoyed by night masks for hair is a wide range of natural products, oils, spices and tinctures used in their composition. For dry, damaged and weakened strands, an overnight hair mask based on vegetable ingredients is recommended. For example, you can simply rub warmed burdock oil, which perfectly restores the hair structure or prepare a complex mixture of several ingredients.
- Recipe 1. Coconut oil, olive oil and castor oil - take in equal proportions, heat up in a water bath to room temperature. It is necessary to rub the mixture over the entire surface of the scalp, and the remains - apply to the curls along the entire length.
- Recipe 2. Mix the oils in proportion: jojoba oil - 2 parts, burdock oil - 1 part, oil of tea rose-half parts. The method of application is similar to the previous one.
- Recipe 3. Grated raw potatoes mixed with chicken egg yolk and a spoon of sour cream, yogurt or mayonnaise. Method of application similar to the previous one.
Greasy hair
Honey-based masks are great for oily hair. Also, secretions of the sebaceous glands well stop the herbal decoctions of antiseptic action: from chamomile, coltsfoot, St. John's wort, dandelion, burdock root.
- Recipe 1. Pound a couple of tablespoons of honey with two egg yolks and a grated apple.
- Recipe 2. Zarya flowers chamomile (two tablespoons), then mix the resulting gruel with honey.
- Recipe 3. Half a glass of beer is mixed with the pulp of a banana.
The prepared mixture (according to one of these recipes) is neatly distributed along the head of hair.
Normal hair
For normal hair, a nourishing kefir mask does not hurt. Kefir does not need to be combined with other products, just heat it up to body temperature and carefully lubricate the strands.
Reviews of night masks
“Kefir mask is my favorite recipe, which quickly helps restore shine and volume to hair!” Lena, 30 years old.
“I have been practicing oil masks for hair for a long time! Only in this way was it possible to save them after a catastrophic perm. Regularity of procedures, natural ingredients - a guarantee of healthy hair! ”Svetlana, 24 years old.