Natural masks to strengthen hair

Natural masks to strengthen hair

Natural masks to strengthen the hair is easy to prepare for yourself, and the effect will please not only you, but also others will notice the shine and strength of your hair. Home masks will quickly help your hair to recover health, beauty and strength, and in order to prepare them you need very few components.

Nutritive oil firming masks

Oils are great for homemade masks, they strengthen the roots, give hair elasticity, prevent damage. You can use any vegetable oil from the base list, but olive oil is used most often (first pressing). Olive oil has a light texture and at the same time perfectly nourishes the hair.

For nutritious poppies with oils, you can take several types of oils, mix them and heat them in a water bath. Then you can apply a heated mixture to the hair or add additional components.

Dry hair is perfect banana or avocado gruel. Ripe banana or avocado clean and grind in a blender to a uniform consistency, mix with oils and make our hair happy with a wonderful mask!

For oily hair, you can use essential oils (suitable tea tree oil, grapefruit, bergamot lemon). As a basis, it is best to use grape seed oil, as it is less heavy and suitable for oily hair.

Leave the selected mask on the hair for 1-2 hours and rinse with warm water using a shampoo.

Kefir to strengthen hair

Natural masks to strengthen hair

I have written more than once about kefir masks, but I do not get tired of repeating that kefir is one of the best hair products. Before applying kefir, lightly heat and apply on dry hair. This mask is enough to hold on the hair for about half an hour, and then wash off. You can also add 1 tsp to kefir. mustard, such a mixture will not only strengthen the hair, but also enhance their growth.

If you have dry hair, I recommend adding yolk and a tablespoon of olive oil to kefir.

Yeast Masks

Yeast will help prevent hair loss, strengthen it and give strength. Whisk the egg white and add 1 tbsp to it. dry yeast (pre-mix the yeast in warm water). Apply the mask on the scalp and distribute the length and leave for an hour.

Firming egg masks

Beat the eggs thoroughly before use. For dry hair, lemon juice can be added to the egg mass, as well as the essential oils of bergamot and juniper. To pamper dry hair, add 2 tablespoons of any vegetable oil to the eggs, and a couple of drops of vitamin A and E in the oil.

Important! It is necessary to wash off the egg masks only with warm or cool water, the egg will collapse from the hot water and it will become problematic to wash it off.