Natural masks for hair shine

Natural Masks for hair shine

Every woman wants her hair to have a delicate sheen. However, in real life, not every woman can boast of such hair.

Hair can lose its shine for various reasons, such as improper care, perm, permanent dyeing, as well as health problems. If your health is okay, restoring hair shine will not be as difficult as some might consider.

There are a lot of natural masks, the use of which can make the hair beautiful, healthy and shiny.

Mask with kefir

Kefir should be applied to the hair, evenly distributing it over the entire length. Wrap hair with foil. After twenty minutes, wash off the kefir with shampoo.

Kefir can be replaced with yogurt. Masks with kefir or yogurt perfectly help to return the hair shine, other masks with kefir can be found here.

Oil mask

In order to make this mask, you will need burdock, almond, corn, olive or other vegetable oil. Apply oil to your hair, preheating it slightly. After a while, wash the oil off the hair with a shampoo.

Coffee mask

This mask is ideal to enhance the shine of dark hair. Take two tablespoons of natural, ground coffee, fill them with a glass of boiling water. Cool slightly, strain and apply to hair. Hold for thirty minutes under polyethylene, and then rinse with shampoo.

Mask for blond hair

For blond hair, a mask of decoction of medicinal chamomile flowers is best. Apply the decoction to clean, dry hair. Rinse with warm water after twenty-thirty minutes with vinegar or lemon juice added to it.

Aloe for hair shine

Aloe juice will make your hair shiny if rubbed into the roots of your hair. In addition, the hair will shine beautifully, aloe will also increase their growth rate.

Cognac / Roma Mask

Mix four tablespoons of brandy and one egg. Rub the mass thoroughly into the hair. Wrap your head with a warm towel. After twenty-twenty-five minutes, rinse the hair well with warm water. In the absence of cognac, you can use rum. After such a mask, the hair will have a beautiful, natural shine.

Hair mask made of mayonnaise and garlic

Mix one clove of garlic with three tablespoons of mayonnaise. Apply to hair, and after a while, thoroughly rinse them with shampoo. But, remember that such a mask can be done only when you are in the steam room, as it requires a lot of heat.

Mask of carrot and beet juice

Mix beet and carrot mix in equal proportions and apply on hair. It is advisable to wear a shower cap after applying the mixture or wrap the head with polyethylene. Fifteen minutes later, the mask should be washed off with warm water.

Mask to make hair shine

Mix egg yolk, juice of one cucumber and two tablespoons of sea salt. The resulting mixture should be applied to clean, dried hair. Wrap your head with a towel. Thirty minutes later, wash the mask with warm water, preferably running water.