Minerals necessary for hair
![Minerals necessary for hair](../uploads/img/minerali_neobhodimie_dlya_volos.jpg)
In addition to vitamins, our hair also needs minerals. Usually they are contained in vitamin complexes that are designed for hair, nails and skin, but I would like to specifically put everything on the shelves, what functions certain minerals perform, and what are necessary for the health of our hair.
Iron. The lack of this mineral leads to a cross section of hair, brittleness and dullness. Iron is a very important component for hair, often women suffer from a lack of this mineral. Therefore, make sure that your diet includes foods rich in iron, this meat (beef, pork, chicken, veal, etc.), raisins, prunes, wheat. And better choose a good vitamin complex with iron.
Zinc. The main function of zinc is to regulate the activity of the sebaceous glands. If we talk about men, then zinc controls the secretion of male sex hormones, if there is a surplus of these hormones, then the hair can begin to fall heavily. Zinc is found in beef, seafood, carrots, bran, peas, oatmeal, nuts.
Sulfur. This mineral is involved in the synthesis of collagen. Collagen is the main protein that forms the basis for bones, skin, hair, nails and enzymes that speed up chemical reactions in the body. Products containing high levels of sulfur: seeds, egg yolks, garlic and onions, beans, asparagus, as well as food rich in protein (meat, seafood).
Selenium. This component is almost not found in food, so it can only be obtained from pharmacy vitamins. Selenium is able to accelerate hair growth, as it is a conductor of the “building material” for hair. Take vitamins with selenium courses, it will not only increase your immunity, improve brain activity, but also accelerate hair growth.
Calcium. Usually with a lack of calcium in the body, hair begins to fall out actively, so that you do not have a shortage of this mineral.
Silicon. Silicon contributes to the production of collagen and elastin, these components give hair elasticity, strength and elasticity. Without it, the hair becomes dry. Silicon is rich in whole grains, roots, chickens. Again, this mineral is difficult to obtain through food in sufficient quantities.
![Minerals necessary for hair](../uploads/img/minerali_neobhodimie_dlya_volos_2.jpg)
Iodine. Iodine not only strengthens our immunity, but also helps our hairs. Lack of iodine provokes loss, brittle hair and nails. Seafood, dairy products, iodized salt and meat are the main sources of iodine.
Molybdenum. This mineral promotes hair growth, and you can find it in salt, pork and beef liver, peas, etc.