Masks for oily hair, we are actively fighting for


asian model

Increased oily hair often causes a lot of trouble and inconvenience. Strands quickly become greasy and look "stale" by the evening, if they were washed in the morning. Any styling loses volume and constantly bothers dandruff. But experts say that it is much easier to care for such hair than for dry and weak hair, and urge you not to get upset. In addition, due to natural lubrication, oily hair is better protected from external adverse effects. Minimize sebum can be done by using masks for oily hair at home.

Causes of excessive oily hair

The most common cause of oily hair is a violation of the sebaceous glands. If they work too actively, much more fat is released than is necessary. Excessive sebum secretion may indicate endocrine disruption or is genetically determined. In addition, improper nutrition and care, taking antibiotics, depression, stress, or sudden changes in temperature increase the amount of fat secreted. Experts believe that if you properly care and periodically make yourself homemade masks for oily hair, you can avoid a lot of trouble and make sure that the hairstyle always looks neat and beautiful.

Care features

When caring for greasy hair you need to follow some simple rules.

  • This type of hair is not recommended to be combed for a long time and subjected to heat treatment.
  • Massage of the scalp should also not be done, because thanks to him, the glands work more intensively.
  • In the care will be indispensable nourishing masks for oily hair, which can be used independently at home.

How to make masks for oily hair - general rules

girl with dark blond hair

Mask for oily hair is designed to perform the following tasks - to regulate the secretion of fat and remove its excess with strands. Only you need to apply them with great care, because many components can have a rather aggressive effect.

  1. You need to choose the recipe that is most suitable for you. Before applying a mask for oily hair, you need to wash your hair with a gentle shampoo, without using conditioner. Then prepare the medical composition, guided by step-by-step instructions or a scheme, and then immediately rub it into the roots.
  2. Next, you need to warm the head with a towel and a plastic cap. After waiting the desired amount of time, rinse the hair with lukewarm water. Too hot water is better not to wash your hair, it can contribute to an increase in sebum.
  3. Often there are hairs that are greasy at the roots, with dry and brittle tips. If you are the owner of this type, then the mask for oily roots of hair is advised to apply only to the roots, and lubricate the ends with heated burdock, sea buckthorn or other vegetable oil.
  4. Also, the use of masks for oily hair is recommended twice a week.

Recipes for hair masks from high fat

Mask against greasy hair is very easy to prepare with your own hands from the products that are in the kitchen of any housewife. These simple recipes have come down to us from our grandmothers and have an almost miraculous effect on oily hair and problem scalp. We offer the most effective recipes that have only positive feedback. Such a mask against greasy hair will make them more voluminous, shiny and reduce the formation of sebum.

Mustard mask

Ingredients: boiling water - 50 ml., Mustard - 4 tsp, any vegetable oil (castor, sea buckthorn, burdock, sunflower or olive) - 2 tbsp. spoons, sugar - 25 gr. All together and put on curls at the roots for 25 minutes. To wash hair.

Honey Mask

honey against fat

Ingredients: yolks of two eggs, 2 spoons of honey (preferably liquid). Beat yolks with honey and apply the composition on the head, gently rubbing this mass into the scalp. This means is most effective to apply overnight, and in the morning wash the hair.

Mask of parsley, vodka and castor oil

Ingredients: vodka - 20 gr., Castorca - 2 tsp, finely chopped parsley - 100 grams. All this mix and put on strands, muffle and leave for half an hour. Then wash the hair as usual.

Bread mask

Ingredients: half a cup of boiling water and 2 slices of black bread or rye crackers. It is necessary to pour boiled water over breadcrumbs or bread, cover and leave for an hour to swell. Then it is required to thoroughly crush the bread with a fork in order to get a thin gruel. Apply to all strands. Rub into the roots for 5 minutes, then warm for about 30-45 minutes. Then wash the hair.

Yeast Mask


Ingredients: protein 1 eggs, fresh yeast - 50 grams, boiled water - 10 ml. Mix the yeast with water until a slurry forms, add protein to the resulting composition. Massage the resulting composition into the roots with massage movements and wait until this mass dries. Then rinse with a mild shampoo.

Express yolk mask

Ingredients: alcohol - 10 ml., 1 egg yolk, water - 50 ml. All ingredients are mixed before the formation of gruel. Apply the composition to the curls and massage near the roots. Leave on the head for a quarter of an hour. After that, thoroughly rinse it.

Herbal mask

herbal gruel

Ingredients: 2 tbsp. spoons of such herbs: linden, nettle, chamomile, water - 1 cup, black bread - 100 grams. Herbs pour boiling water. Let it brew for half an hour. Then drain, add bread and leave for another 20 minutes. Apply the prepared mass on the head for 50 minutes. Wash it.

Rowan and Mint Mask

Ingredients: a handful of mountain ash, mint. Finely chop mint greens and grind with berries. Good rub into the hair and leave for 25 minutes. Wash off with non-aggressive shampoo and warm water.

The mask of their kefir

Ingredients: 200 ml. kefir. Apply to the hair from tip to root and hold for 20 minutes. To wash hair.

kefir composition on the head

Oily hair can be cured if you use homemade masks in stages. Just need to remember that they remain beautiful and healthy, proper care is not enough, you should watch your diet and lead a healthy lifestyle.

Video: cooking effective homemade mask for oily hair