Masks and hair products with mummy

Masks and hair products with mummy

Mumie - It is a product of organic activity, or simply put resin, which is collected in the reliefs of rocks at a height of 3.5 kilometers.

Due to its exceptional composition, mummies are considered natural. biostimulator.

High therapeutic characteristics of this tool have already been proved by the results of chemical analyzes, during which it was revealed that the mummy has numerous biologically active substances. They are stored in highlands due to lack of oxygen, sharp fluctuations in temperature and ultraviolet radiation, and are ultimately mummified to form mummy raw, which is a conglomerate of different sizes of brown.

Purified mummy is free from sand, rocks or other impurities. In appearance, it is a dense mass of dark brown color, which is perfectly soluble in water, and completely insoluble in alcohol.

Mummy for hair used as a highly effective non-hormonal drug that improves blood circulation of hair follicles and normalizes the level of zinc and copper necessary for hair growth.

1. Mummy in shampoo.

Perhaps the easiest method to strengthen your hair with the help of a mummy is simply to add a miracle remedy to your usual shampoo. To do this, take 2-3 tablets of mummy and grind them into powder, mixing after 2 tablespoons of boiled water. The resulting mixture is simply poured into a bottle of shampoo. This dose is calculated on a standard bottle of 150 milliliters.

Before using the bottle, you need to shake it so that the mummy mixes with the shampoo, and then apply it to the hair, rub, massaging the roots and soak it on the hair for 5 minutes. Then rinse off with cool water.

2. Mummy in rinse.

If you use hair rinse, its properties can be significantly improved by adding 3 tablets of pounded mummy, mixed in 2 tablespoons of boiled water.

After you wash your hair with shampoo, apply the rinse over the entire length of hair and leave for 10 minutes, after which rinse off with cool water.

3. Firming mask of the mummy.

Interferes with a hair loss and the elementary mask on the basis of a mummy promotes their growth. 3 tablets should be pounded into powder and dissolved in half a glass of boiled water. It is very important to clean your hair clean before applying! Liquid should be rubbed into the roots and left for 2 hours, after washing with plain cool water.

4. Mask based on honey.

This mask will help to restore damaged, brittle and dry hair. It is easy to prepare - 5 tablets of mummy are pounded, mixed with a tablespoon of lemon juice and 6 tablespoons of honey, egg yolk goes to the same place. You can pour a couple of drops of water. Mask need to rub into the hair roots, and then apply and the entire length. Wear a polyethylene cap and a cotton towel on top. Keep it in need for 40 minutes.

Use mummy for hair and you forget what a brittle and dull hair!