In the fight for every hair-vitamins against hair loss
Advertising shampoos, balms, masks promises us gorgeous hair that will be strong, elastic, silky, that all women in the world will forget about such a problem as hair loss. But in reality, everything is wrong, all these newfangled products are powerless if our body lacks the necessary vitamins. To forget about this unpleasant problem, we must fill their shortcoming. And what are they, vitamins from hair loss for women? What do they contain?
What groups of vitamins need to be taken?
If you notice that your hair has become dry and weak, this is the first sign that you will soon experience hair loss. What to do if you climb your hair, you need to start to deal with this problem, namely, you need to take vitamins against hair loss. The first of this list is vitamin A. It will help regulate the level of sebaceous secretion in the scalp. If the scalp will receive adequate nutrition, then you will avoid the problem of brittle hair, and so strengthen the hair follicle.Vitamin A
Vitamin A, you can get from the drug purchased at the pharmacy, as well as using some products. In which products is the storehouse of this vitamin?
In carrots, apricots, spinach, mango, orange, liver, green vegetables, butter. Fish, caviar, cream, cream, whole milk, pumpkin, red Bulgarian and hot peppers, tomatoes, also contain vitamin A. But it is formed only with the action of certain enzymes on carotene, which is in this list of products.Vitamins of group B, and more precisely B5, B6, B12
These three vitamins are many important components in the fight against hair loss in women. Using them you will forget about the weakness and dullness of the hair, and make them strong and shiny.You can purchase these vitamins at any pharmacy and simply add to your shampoo, or compensate for their deficiency by consuming some products.
You will find them in pork, liver, fish, hazelnuts, bran, broccoli, bananas, rice, oranges, kelp (seaweed), peas, beans, lentils, cabbage, eggs, potatoes.
Vitamin C
An excellent tool to increase immunity, as well as to give strength to your hair. You will find it in the familiar since childhood, sour ascorbike. And just to include in your diet all the citrus fruits, strawberries, black currants, cauliflower and sauerkraut, fresh green peas, sorrel, and parsley.Most of all vitamin C is found in wild rose. This is a real storehouse of this vitamin. Pour a handful of rosehips in a thermos and pour a liter of hot water there. It is necessary to brew necessarily in hot water, but not in boiling water. Since this vitamin is destroyed at a temperature of 60-70 degrees. The infusion will be years when it cools down. Drink one sip 3-4 times a day.
Vitamin D
Non-replaceable component for giving strength to hair follicles. You can get a charge of this vitamin due to the frequent presence in the sun, also including in your diet vegetable and olive oil, greens and fatty acids.Okoferol or vitamin E
It nourishes the scalp and thus protects the hair from the unpleasant effects of the environment and of course from loss. It is contained in broccoli, spinach, dogrose, greens, peas, lettuce, tomatoes, eggs, soybeans, vegetable oil, sorrel, fillet of fatty fish, nuts, bell peppers. To maximize the beneficial properties of this vitamin, add selenium to it!Vitamin F
Still not irreplaceable assistant in the fight against hair loss in women. To fill the required level of it in the body, eat nuts, almonds, seeds, avocados and vegetable oil.Folic acid
The strongest component that allows you to get rid of hair loss in women and even cure baldness. You can get folic acid by eating legumes, asparagus, dill and parsley, as well as in exotic papaya.
Omega -3
If you climb hair, this fatty polyunsaturated acid will help strengthen the hair follicles and return them to their former health. By including cod, trout, salmon, tuna, sardines, shrimps, mussels, octopus, nuts, almonds in your diet, you will compensate for the lack of this acid.
Trace elements such as iron and zinc also have a positive effect on the perfect condition of the hair follicles, and the lack of these components can cause hair loss in women. Eat buckwheat porridge, eggs, apples, gooseberries, corn, nuts, tomatoes, mushrooms, pineapples, citrus fruits, fresh green vegetables, liver, beef, onions, garlic, sea fish and you will quickly restore your weakened hair and stop them from falling out .
In addition to proper and balanced nutrition, you can take vitamin complexes.
Vitamin complexes against loss
If, however, you do not manage to observe proper nutrition, or you are allergic to many foods, then vitamins bought at the pharmacy come to the rescue with loss. Since good vitamin complexes in our time exist in large quantities, then you can simply get confused in their choice. And in order not to make such a mistake, it is better to consult a knowledgeable specialist trichologist. He will tell you exactly what kind of vitamins your weakened and falling hair needs.
After you get the vitamins you need, carefully review the abstract and find out how and in what dosages you need to take the drug.
Top 5 best vitamins according to numerous girls reviews:
- Innov
- Revalid
- Materna
- Complite
- Vitrum
The advantages of vitamin complexes:
- They are selected by doctors based on the needs of your body.
- If you follow the instructions of the doctor or take the drug strictly according to the annotation, then you will not be disturbed by allergic reactions.
- They contain a balanced composition of vitamins.
- Sometimes vitamins tablets are much cheaper than the products needed to get vitamins.
But do not forget that some means are contraindicated for pregnant and lactating moms!
What effect do vitamins have?
Video on how to stop hair loss
By consuming vitamins against hair loss, you protect your hair from all negative environmental influences. And also restore and strengthen damaged bulbs, thereby activating hair growth. And over time, your curls become thick and stronger. It is best to take them in a course of 1-3 months, but also do not forget about the gentle care and proper nutrition. Only with these 3 components you will get truly elegant strong curls !!!