Ideas for beautiful hairstyles for girls' school - styling
Simple and beautiful hairstyles to school
Every girl should know how to make light and beautiful hair for 5 minutes to school. You need to be able to perform only a few of the most favorite options in order to look bright and diverse. The first such original and simple styling in its creation is the classic knots.
All that is useful for recreating such a hairstyle is a comb, elastic and literally 5 minutes. It is very simple in its execution: combing the hair, it should be divided into two parts, from the separated strands go to tying the knot (most often they are made three, but if the length of hair allows, they can be made longer), then fix the resulting hairstyle with an elastic band. Even more spectacular will look nodes performed with pickup strands. To create an additional bright image, a girl can use a colorful rubber band or a hairpin. She will look very gentle and beautiful. Teen girls will like this option.
Node-based stacking can be done in different ways. Photos will show them.
Another very simple and at the moment very common beautiful hairstyle, suitable for school, is a bun. Laying is among the fastest in its re-creation. To make this hairstyle, you need gum and hairpins. All that will be needed is to collect the hair in the tail, twist it into a bundle and fix the result with hairpins. And it is possible to use a special bagel to decorate the beam. It is sold in different sizes.
To make the styling not look too boring, you need to add it with a beautiful hairpin.
Such a beautiful school hairstyle will suit both girls of lower grades and older ones and will not force them to pay attention to themselves throughout the day. It is only necessary to firmly fix the hair. In addition, this option is suitable for girls who, after school, rush home from school in time to go to a section or other place where activity is necessary.
There is one, perhaps, of the most gentle, sophisticated and lightweight styling types, which, at the first mention of it, casts doubt on the ability to make it quickly and beautifully. This is a Greek hairstyle. And to be more precise, its simplified version.
She, undoubtedly, will single out the girl from the crowd and it is quite possible that the camp would be the cause of such a question of surprised girlfriends: “Did you do it in a hairdresser's?”. Difficult and long in the creation of this hairstyle seems because of its appearance. But in reality, in order to do it, you need only 5 minutes. How to make such an amazing styling? To begin with, a strong low tail is made that needs to be fixed with a rubber band. Further, the tail must be scrolled between the rubber band and the head. And finally, the last thing: to fill the ends with a peculiar pebble, resembling in form. The created hairstyle should be fixed with invisibles.
The most beautiful school hairstyles for different lengths of hair
There are beautiful hairstyles for girls to school at different lengths, which differ in the versatility of options, originality and originality. Many girls already in school years want to be visible, attracting attention. And laying in this case is an object for increased interest. After all, the degree of attractiveness and interest from others depends on the overall appearance.
Original styling for school for long hair
A beautiful hairstyle for a girl in school for long hair can not be imagined without weaving. After all, these are their favorite styling, and there are plenty of options for creating them. One of them for a given hair length is a pigtail of three braids.
At the heart of this original and at the same time simple hairstyle is a braid, woven from three strands. Here is the sequence of creating such a styling: at the top of the hair should be divided into two halves, of which braids will be braided with French pickups. After several bindings, the technique of weaving an ordinary braid of three strands begins, the end of which needs to be fixed with an elastic band. The second braid is executed in the same way. Medium braid necessarily need to weave from the bottom of the hair. This is the specificity of this hairstyle: weaving begins with side pickups, and ends with the usual, familiar weaving. Woven upper thin braids need to gently pass through the middle braid, which creates the original weave.
Here you can fantasize and use different weaving, but the result is one - one of the three braids is obtained.
Spit-heart is an original and very gentle hairstyle, which is made in the shape of a heart. Unlike previous styling, this image is more suitable for girls 7, 8 or 9 years of age, enrolled in primary school. Downstairs hair going in a pigtail. It will be problematic to make such a set yourself, since the halves need to be arranged symmetrically, so it is better to ask the mother. Also, the braid heart can be made of flagella.
It looks interesting hairstyle, which combines the tail and braid. This option combines the braid and tail weaving technique. Very advantageous, this styling looks on thick hair. However, if the hair is not thick, you can curl curls that will create volume. Look at the photo for different variants of the combination of tail and braid.
For teenage girls, the next option will do.
Different weave braids for girls in steps, see here.
Beautiful ideas for medium hair
Among the beautiful hairstyles for medium hair, there are several very cute and uncomplicated options that the girl can easily perform on her own. The first styling - curls. It is distinguished by simplicity of execution, lack of prim rigor and openness of the face. Therefore, do not worry that the hair will close your eyes and spoil your eyesight. It is performed as follows: the hair should be divided into three equal parts. From each part of the curls should form a so-called large loop (this is an ordinary tail, which should not be fully tightened). Loops need to be fanned out. And the resulting individual strands need to be fixed invisible. The rest of the hair pour lacquer.
No less simple and beautiful styling is considered a wreath. Having made a zigzag spider through the back of the head, it will be necessary to divide the hair into two equal parts on the sides and then braid the pigtails. Wrapping them around your head, you should fasten your hair with invisible hairpins, and you can do weaving with a ribbon around your head with the grasp of the strands. To give a look and make the hairstyle even more interesting, you can fluff each of the resulting elements.
An interesting hairstyle option for medium hair length is the dragon dragon. This hairstyle is also not too complicated in its execution, but it looks like this.
Options for beautiful short hairstyles for school
The following discussion focuses on several interesting hairstyles to school for short hair. Often little schoolgirls have a short hair length, since such hair is easy and quick to care for. Do not think that this type of length does not exist hairstyles. Below will be presented some of their types, from which you can choose the most liked and interesting. The first such hairstyle is a square with a pigtail. To keep the hair, taken from the side parting, into the eyes, they should be braided into a pigtail. To do this, divide the top strands into three parts. Gradually moving to the temporal zone, other strands are added. The remaining tip of the hair must be secured with a barrette behind the ear. The direction of weaving can be changed: from the forehead to the crown, from ear to ear, on one temporal side.
The next version of the short styling is called geometric tails. Its reconstruction begins with a triangular parting. In the center of this parting is the tail. The rest of the hair should be divided into a straight parting, which covers the entire head down to the back of the head. On both sides are made several rectangles with tails. The rectangle, which is located in the center, is divided into two parts, which must be connected with a rubber band with subsequent rectangles. And the following are combined with those that are located below.
Many ideas on how to diversify styling for girls with short hair, look here.
From all the above hairstyles for girls in school, it is clear that there are a huge number of bright, interesting, eye-catching varieties and variants. They are not difficult to create and do not take much time. Make only beautiful hairstyles to school, they will brighten up the working life of the students, and also lift their spirits.
More school hairstyles for different lengths of hair, see here.