How to use natural hair masks

How to use natural hair masks

Hair masks will help make hair beautiful, healthy and shiny. I have already talked about some hair masks, and in general about their effectiveness.

Now I want to dwell on the main rules that you should follow when using homemade hair masks.

Frequency of use of masks:

If your hair is depleted and not healthy, then the mask should be done 2-3 times a week, for healthy hair masks can be used 1 time per week for prevention. Light masks (for example, burdock oil) can be rubbed into the scalp for 20 minutes before each wash.

Rules for applying and using a mask:

- apply only freshly made mask. Do not leave the mixture in the refrigerator "until the next time." During this time, the mask will disappear, and will bring you more harm than good.

- make sure that the prepared composition has a uniform consistency, and only then apply it on the head. Heterogeneous mass can leave lumps and you will have difficulty washing your head.

- Keep the composition on the hair for a specific time. Usually time is written in recipes.

- choose masks that are designed specifically for your hair type. Therefore, before using any of the ingredients you need to determine your hair type.

- when cooking do not try to combine the ingredients from different recipes. For example, if you want to add shine and accelerate growth, make the necessary formulations in turn, and do not mix all the components into one.

- there will be no result from a single application, do the procedures regularly, usually a course of treatment for months, only then can we talk about the results.

- if you are blonde, remember that you can not use all the components for masks. Some substances can change your hair color, so find out in advance what ingredients are not recommended for blondes.

- after you have washed your hair, you can finish shampooing in the standard way shampoo + balsam. Or rinse hair infusion of herbs.