How to make a bow of hair - step by step instructions
Hairstyle hair bow gained popularity not so long ago, but already fell in love with many. Even stars like Paris Hilton and Lady Gaga came out with this original hairstyle. Women of fashion can not worry, because in fact it is very easy to make a bow haircut and it will take about 10 minutes, and after some workout 5 minutes will be enough.
How to make a bow of hair - step by step instructions
Ways to do hair bow several, I will describe in detail 1 method, and others you can watch on the video at the end of the article.
If you are interested in how to make a bow out of hair, then the proposed instruction is for you.
First of all, prepare everything necessary for the hair:
- hairbrush;
- gum and invisible;
- hair spray.
1. We collect hair in a ponytail at the crown (or in the place where you want to make a bow of hair) and tighten it with a rubber band. The tail should hold well, because it will be the basis of our bow of hair. So that the hair does not fall out of the tail, do not wash your head immediately before you do your hair, it is better to do it in the evening.
2. While doing the tail, do not stretch the hair to the end, but leave a kind of loop.

3. Loose hair is thrown forward and fastened invisible, it is needed before the completion of the hairstyle.
4. The hair that forms a loop is divided into two parts. Parts must be the same, only so the bow of hair will be symmetrical.

5. Now take the free tip of the hair and throw it back, dividing our loops in half. It is important to do it carefully, only then the bow will look beautiful.
6. We fix the free tip of the hair behind the bow, do not feel sorry for the invisible, it should firmly hold, forming the middle of the bow. The remaining tip is hidden under the base of the hair.

7. There comes the final stage - correct hair and sprinkle it with hair spray.
8. Our playful hairstyle is ready!

Hair is ready!
Hairstyle bow of hair with flowing hairStep 1. Separate two small strands and remove them back (you can take more hair, then the bow will be more voluminous)

Step 2. We make a tail out of the locks using an elastic band, while not stretching the hair to the end, leaving a small "loop" (it is important to fasten our tail well, as this is the basis of the future bow)

Step 3. We divide the loop into two equal parts

Step 4. Each part of the loop is fixed with the help of barrettes in such a position so that they resemble a bow.

Step 5. We take the remaining tail and lift it up, making the center of the bow, fasten the tip with invisible beads and hide it in the loop from the bow.

Step 6. Spray some varnish and our hair bow is ready.

As I said, the hairstyle is done quite easily and quickly, and most importantly, the hairstyle of the bow of the hair allows you to experiment. You can make a bow not from all the hair, but take only a small part, the rest of the hair is best to be wound onto a curling iron. This hairstyle looks playful and original.
Often a bow is made on the back of the head, and strands are released from it to get a ponytail with a bow. It is worth noting that the bow of hair is also used as a wedding hairstyle, which gives the bride a charm.
Hairstyle bow of hair on celebrities