How to keep hair clean for long
First you need to understand why our hair gets dirty? And to reduce these reasons to nothing, so the hair gets dirty:
one. Due to improper washing of hair. When washing do not use hot water, rinse hair with slightly cool water.
2 Due to the drying of a hairdryer. Hair dryer is our friend and foe, thanks to him it is so easy to dry hair and make styling. But because of the hair dryer, the hair dries, which provokes sebum secretion and the hair quickly gets dirty. Therefore, use a hairdryer to a minimum.
3 Because of the headdress. Unfortunately, in the winter we can not do without a hat. But because of it, our hair is closely pressed to the scalp, rub against each other and get more dirty.
four. Due to frequent scratching. You may be surprised, but this is true. When we brush our hair, the sebum that secretes the scalp spreads through all the hair, and they quickly lose their presentable appearance. Also less often touch the hair with your hands.
five. Due to improperly chosen hair products. These include balms, shampoos and styling products. If your hair is prone to fat, then do not choose nourishing masks and shampoos, they will be even faster to fatten them. Buy cosmetics specifically designed for oily hair.
Abuse of masks also leads to rapid contamination. If you have dry ends and split ends, then the mask should be applied only to the hair, avoiding the roots and scalp.
Laying tools also play an important role in the struggle for clean hair. The fact is that they remain on the hair and all the dust and dirt adheres to it, of course after this there can be no talk about the purity of the hair. From styling products you must thoroughly clean the hair.
6 Because of the type of hair. It's all very simple, for example, you have thin hair that is devoid of volume, respectively, they lie close to the scalp and sebum falls on them immediately. Because of this, the roots instantly lose their clean and tidy appearance.
To solve this problem, the hair needs to be given volume from the roots, so that the hair is lifted from the head.
7 Due to improper nutrition. Unbalanced diet causes scalp greasiness, so try to ensure that your diet is correct.
I would also like to give some advice. Folk remedies are very helpful in reducing hair greasiness, so do not neglect them. Make masks for greasy hair, rinse hair with a decoction of herbs, and you will see how they will stay clean much longer.