How to care for hair in winter


girl in snowflakes

"How to care for hair in the winter?" - One of the most popular women's issues in anticipation of the winter cold. But, unfortunately, most of us start to ask it only when we are already faced with a negative manifestation of cold: overdried strands, split ends, dull color of hair and thinning hair. Indeed, without proper hair care, by the beginning of spring, your head of hair from a luxurious mound can turn into something that does not please the eye, which is similar to straw. According to statistics, it was after the winter, women are most dissatisfied with the state of their curls. Therefore, if with the advent of spring you want to bloom, and not fade, it's time to do your hair.

How to choose hair care products in winter?

Winter hair care for every woman, regardless of the type of hair that she has, should include procedures for cleansing, moisturizing and nourishing the bulbs. Good news for women suffering from a lack of time: “to heal” and improve the state of hair can not only in expensive salons, but also independently at home, would be a wish.

To begin with, based on the needs of your hair, choose a series of products designed to care in the winter. We recommend to refer to proven brands sold in salons. It is advisable to consult with a trichologist and a hairdresser-stylist. The first, based on your physiological features, will identify possible problems that should be addressed by a hair care program. The stylist-hairdresser, in turn, will help you choose the means from the hair care line that will suit you personally. Especially, this applies to those girls who resort to painting strands.

xhair caring cosmetics

It is important to remember that winter is the most severe season of the year, so hair care in winter should be more intense and nourishing than in any other season. Winter hair care must necessarily include a dense texture. Many women choose hair care products from different series, thus making one of the most serious mistakes. The fact is that the greatest result can be achieved only using the means of one series, whose ingredients effectively interact with each other. Therefore, when choosing care for hair, give preference to products of the same brand, as only he can provide quality hair care in the winter.

Rules for hair care in winter

Hair care in the winter should not be limited to the standard program "cleansing, moisturizing, nutrition." If you want to keep your strands healthy, you need to supplement your daily care for hair with the following procedures:

  1. Head massage. It has long been known that head massage has a beneficial effect on the blood supply, which is responsible for the nutrition of the bulbs. Do you want to brag of a luxurious mane in 20 years? Regularly do a head massage to yourself.
  2. Hair protection in the winter. Care for the hair in the winter should include means to protect the hair from the sun's rays. Yes, in winter your strands will not burn out and their structure will not be damaged. However, scientists recently found that the sun is much more harmful in the winter than in the summer. Therefore, make sure your hair spray includes protection from sun exposure.

Why do we need a hat?

girl in a fur hat

That's right, so as not to overcool the head and not get sick. Indeed, the cap is a reliable protection of hair in the winter. We also recall that the cap protects the bulbs that provide nourishment to the hair. However, wearing a headdress has its own rules, about which most women have no idea. Let's take a look at them step by step:

  • Remove the cap indoors. In negative weather headdress perfectly protects you from hypothermia. However, when you get into a warm room at room temperature, the cap must be removed to protect the hair from drying out. At room temperature, the cap will act like a real steam room, pulling moisture out of the hair and turning it into straw. It is important to remember that hair care in the cold season should consist not only in cosmetic procedures, but also in the way of life in general. Therefore, we went into a warm room - they took off their cap.
  • The headgear protects the bulbs of the head from hypothermia while the tips are exposed to snow, low temperatures and other factors unfavorable to them. Take care to cover the entire drip. Yes, of course, the image of a woman whose head is framed with luxurious cape looks coquettish, but believe trichologists: cosmetic hair care in the winter season will not bring any results if you subject them to such tests

Help hair: from outside and outside

Hair care in the winter should include not only cosmetic manipulations aimed at maintaining the hair in excellent condition. Want a beautiful head of hair? Remember, nutrition is also important for your body as well as beauty care. Include in your diet fish, fruits, vegetables and do not forget about vitamin supplements and mineral complexes. Also, it is recommended to drink at least two liters of water. Of course, in winter we are not so thirsty as in summer. However, using water below the permissible limit, you risk depriving your hair of precious moisture and get yourself overdried strands that look like straw. Remember, care for hair in the winter time is, above all, proper nutrition. Without it, cosmetic procedures will be ineffective. Only with your own hands you will be able to create an ideal appearance for yourself and it depends only on you how you will look when spring arrives.

Save hair with masks

Hair care in the winter is not an easy task. If you already have problems such as hair loss, their section and dullness, an egg mask will come to your aid. The instruction for its preparation is as follows:

  1. Whip 3 eggs with a whisk.
  2. Add 3 teaspoons of olive oil to the contents.
  3. Apply the resulting mixture in stages for each strand. Next, wrap your head in a towel and keep the mask on for 30 minutes.
  4. After the procedure, wash your hair with shampoo and refrain from mechanical manipulation of the head of hair: curls, straightening irons, etc.

a shag in a terrible state

You will see, despite the fact that the preparation scheme of this mask is simple, the effect of it is tremendous and impressive. Include this recipe for your regular hair care in the winter and your hair will say thank you.

Video: winter hair care, how to save your hair from the frost ?!