Hot hair wrap

Hot hair wrap

Surely you have heard more than once about the various wraps for female beauty. Wraps are used against cellulite, for weight loss, for skin elasticity, etc. So, hair wraps are also useful for hair, or, as they are also called, warm masks.

What wraps differ from ordinary masks?

After applying the wrapping agent, the head is necessarily wrapped with something warm (it can be a warm towel, a woolen scarf, a scarf, a warm hat, etc.) - this is the main difference from the mask. That is, your hair and scalp should be warm, and means for wrapping necessarily heated in a water bath.

Mostly hot wraps are made from oils, but other components can be used. Recipes hot wraps can be read here.

How to make a wrap at home?

Making a wrap yourself is quite simple. You must select the ingredients that are suitable for your hair type, mix them until smooth and heat in a water bath. Then dip the tips of the fingers into the mixture and begin to rub into the scalp, gently massaging.

The remaining mixture gently distribute the entire length of the hair. From above we put on a plastic cap or we wrap a head with cling film. Next, be sure to warm the head, for this you need to take a wet hot towel to wrap their heads and tied a regular dry towel over them.

Another way is to heat the towel with an iron and wrap the head with it. This will enhance the thermal effect and wrapping will be more useful.

What is useful hot wrapping?

Wrapping primarily has a positive effect on the scalp and hair follicles, but we all know that if the roots are healthy, then the hair is also healthy. Wrapping deeply cleanses the scalp, improves blood circulation, normalizes the sebaceous glands, delivers moisture and nutrients to the bulbs and our hair grows healthy and strong.

But some wraps have a positive effect not only on the scalp, but also on the hair itself, on their appearance and condition. Some substances smooth hair scales and thanks to it hair becomes smooth, elastic and brilliant. Protein wraps are capable of this (for example, crushed wheat grains).

When is the best time to wrap?

The best time to wrap is from 18:00 to 22:00. At this time, our skin is most able to absorb nutrients from the masks and effectively remove the accumulated toxins.

Keep the mask should from 20 minutes. If it is possible to change a warm towel, then the wrap can be left for a longer time (up to one and a half hours). Wraps should be done in a course, for example, twice a week for a month or two. It is recommended to repeat the course every six months.

How to wash off a warm mask?

Hot wrapping is recommended to wash off in three stages. First, wash the hair with warm water to wash off the remnants of the mask, then wash your hair with shampoo as usual.

The final stage is rinsing the hair with acidified water. This is especially recommended if you used butter or egg yolk to wrap. You can acidify the water using lemon juice, block or wine vinegar.


Wrapping, like many other procedures, has its own contraindications. Wraps can not be done with acute infectious diseases, people who have problems with the skin, lymph nodes, the endocrine system, as well as those who have problems with the heart and blood vessels (especially if you suffer from hypertension).

Also trichologists do not recommend wrapping people who have hair that falls out strongly, as you first need to establish the cause of the loss. If you have wounds on your scalp, then wrapping cannot be done until the skin is healed.