Homemade hair masks


Homemade hair masks saved not one head of hair. Almost every beauty has her favorite recipe for a homemade mask, which she will not exchange for a single jar of the finished hair mask. And those who do not know anything about home masks, but want to understand, will help this article.

Homemade hair masks

How to use homemade hair masks

If you want natural masks to benefit your hair, you need to learn how to properly prepare and use them. Here are some important rules for using home masks:one) Use only fresh ingredients for masks. Check the expiration date on pharmacy bottles.

2) Keep the proportions ingredients that are listed in the recipes!

3) Use the mask immediately after preparation. Do not leave the mask until the next use, you can use only freshly prepared mixture.

four) The mask should be applied depending on what it is for. For example, a mask against hair loss is applied to the scalp and roots, and a mask to restore spread over the entire length of hair. Read the recipe carefully.

five) The mask can be applied to dry or slightly damp hair.

6) Some homemade masks it is necessary to apply only on clean hair (for example, masks for growth or against loss), since sebum will prevent the penetration of active ingredients. Other masks can be applied before shampooing.

Classification home hair masks

By hair type are distinguished:

1. Homemade masks for oily hair. These masks contain components that:

- eliminate excessive greasiness of the hair; - improve the work of the sebaceous glands; - have a drying effect; - are aimed at giving volume to the hair;

For oily hair, you can not use masks with base oils (except for grape seed oil), nourishing masks, moisturizing masks.

It is recommended to use:

Kefir masks (you can use non-greasy 1% kefir) Masks with essential oils (essential oils of grapefruit, lemon, tea tree, bergamot, patchouli, etc.). Masks and rinsing with herbs (herbs with astringent effects, such as: sage, oregano , chamomile, calendula, etc.) Bread masksMasks with cosmetic clay

Homemade hair masks

2. Homemade masks for dry hair, their effect:

- moisturizing and nourishing hair; - reducing brittleness; - giving elasticity; - recovery effect.

Suitable masks with vegetable and essential oils, masks with fatty kefir, deep nourishing masks, moisturizing masks and other masks for dry hair.

Homemade hair masks

3. Homemade hair masks of normal type. In this case, you can use any mask for preventive purposes.

Effects on hair:

1. For hair growth

Such masks can be divided into two types: - the first type of masks has an irritating effect, that is, due to its properties, improves blood flow to the scalp and thereby enhances growth. These masks include a mustard mask, pepper mask, hair masks with cognac and cinnamon. - The second type of masks accelerates hair growth due to the deep penetration of useful components into the scalp. These include any mask with dimexidum.

Homemade hair masks

2. To restore / strengthen / against cross-section of hair.

There are a lot of such masks, you can see the recipes on our website in the section of hair masks.

3. From falling out

Before you apply a mask for hair loss, you must find out the cause of hair loss. If hair loss is associated with internal problems of the body, then the treatment should appoint a specialist, if it is the effects of stress, you can use masks against hair loss.

4. For hair volume

These include: Mask-peeling with saltGelatin lamination

Homemade hair masks will help keep hair healthy, accelerate hair growth, give it shine and chic look.