Hard hair care


Of course, any woman wants her hair to be very beautiful. And the real beauty of hair is not only how they look externally.

It is very important that the hair was silky, soft, pleasant to the touch. The structure of the hair is innate quality. In some, the hair is soft and light, while in others, on the contrary, it is hard and heavy.

Hard hair have their advantages. For example, most often they are thick, strong, healthy, able to withstand many of the adverse effects of the external environment. However, hard hair is very naughty, it takes a lot of time to put it in the hair style properly. It is for this reason that owners of hard hair prefer short haircuts to long hair.

Usually women with hard hair want to make them softer. To achieve this is quite realistic, if you know how to properly care for such hair.

one. To begin with, refuse to dry your hair with a hair dryer, especially hot. Hot, dry air will make your hair tougher than it was originally. For this reason, hair should be dried naturally. The same applies to the use of irons, pleyok and other heat appliances for hair styling.

2 Hard hair is not recommended to be washed every day. Even if you have oily hair, try to wash your hair no more than once every two or three days. If you use a hair brush, you should replace it with a regular comb.

3 Hard hair can be laid in knots, braids or make a multi-layered short haircut. So the hair will look well-groomed and neat.

The best way to soften hair is the use of oils. Olive and burdock oils are best for this purpose. If you do not have these oils, replace them with any vegetable. The oil should be slightly heated, and then applied over the entire length of the hair for fifteen minutes before washing the head.

No less effective means to soften hair are masks. They are easy to prepare at home.

Recipes masks for hard hair:

one. Mix in equal proportions of olive oil and honey. Apply the mixture to your hair and wash off after twenty minutes.

2 Apple cider vinegar is an excellent hair softener. Dilute 50 milliliters of vinegar in two liters of water. After shampooing, rinse hair with this composition.

3 Mask of wheat oil mixed with apple cider vinegar and honey is perfect for dry, hard hair with split ends. Keep on hair should be from thirty to forty minutes.

four. Remarkable effect has a mask of cosmetic clay. Dissolve the clay with water to obtain a slurry and apply on hair. After five minutes, rinse with hair balm.

You can also use professional tools to soften hard hair, which are now offered by many popular manufacturers.