Hairstyle bun


Hairstyle bun exists so long ago that hardly anyone can say exactly when it appeared.

The first peak of the hairstyle popularity came in the seventies, and since then the hairstyle has not ceased to be a success. A bundle is a great option that is suitable for both secular reception and for everyday wear.

Beam options are many: beam high or low, smooth or sloppy, with fleece or beam-pigtail. The bundle is usually attached with hairpins or rubber bands, sometimes you can decorate your hair with one or several rims. Of course, long hair is more suitable for the beam, but it can also be done on medium-length hair.

Smooth bunch

This version of the hairstyle looks very impressive, so it is suitable for such important events as the wedding of a girlfriend, the celebration of a new year or birthday. In order to build it, you need to straighten the hair, then collect them in a ponytail, smooth out the comb. Then you will need to twist the tail spiral, wrap at the base and secure with pins. You can fix the hair with lacquer, and apply gel on the hair outside the beam.

Smooth bunch of photos
Hairstyle bun
Hairstyle bun

Sloppy bunch

This variation of hair will help you create a romantic image, will give lightness to your appearance. First use the mousse and apply it over the entire length of the hair, then, if you have straight hair, curl it a little. Gather the hair in a not tight tail, then, highlighting the strands in the middle of the tail, fasten each of them with pins.

Sloppy bunch
Hairstyle bun
Hairstyle bun
Hairstyle bun
Hairstyle bun


This hairstyle will appeal to those girls who want to be original, but not fanciful. To create the beam, you will need two thin rims, varnish, studs and a rubber band. Collect the tail on the crown, pull the hair from the front out a little from under the elastic, but do not pull it out completely so that it does not fit close to the head.

Then stack the free bundle as described above. Then place one bezel at a distance of about four centimeters from the hair, and the second at the same distance from the first. Fix varnish.

Bundle with rim photo
Hairstyle bun

Pigtail Bundle

This version of the hairstyle will be good both for publication and for going to work, pigtails on the beam will look unusual and interesting. To start, make a tail and, selecting a few strands along the edges of the tail, braid pigtails out of them. From a loose hair, build a bundle, and then fasten the pigtail on it or at its base. A pigtail can also be only one, the main thing is to have enough hair length to put the pigtail around the base of the beam.

A bunch with braids photo
Hairstyle bun
Hairstyle bun
Hairstyle bun
Hairstyle bun
Hairstyle bun
Pigtail "Fish tail"

Wavy beam

A wavy beam would be a great option for an evening out. To create it, it is necessary to curl the hair in large waves, after applying a mousse on them.

After curling, the hair should be gathered into a ponytail with the help of a rubber band, then the hair band should be masked with the tips of the hair. This can be done by leaving the gum not fully tightened, while you have to push the tips under the gum, or you can simply use the pins.

Wavy beam photo
Hairstyle bun
Hairstyle bun

As for the height of the beam, it may be as you like: a high beam is as good as a low beam, or a beam at the crown. In addition, you can arrange the beam is not in the center of the head, but from the side; this is a very popular hairstyle today. Do not forget that to turn a boring hairstyle into an elegant, you can use the appropriate accessories.

Hairstyle bun
Hairstyle bun

Bundle with a sock

Now there is one interesting and easy way to create a magnificent beam. It needs only a regular sock, or a large and voluminous elastic. A bundle made with the help of a sock is beautiful, lush, and visually doubles the amount of hair.

To make such a bundle, you need to take a sock and cut off the closed part of it, then twist it and get a volume ring. Now you need to make a tail (high or low). After that, we push the hair into the sock and start, as it were, to twist it from top to bottom and get the perfect bunch!

You can choose the size and volume of the beam, as well as its location. It is also possible to diversify such a bundle with braids.

Hairstyle bun
Hairstyle bun
Hairstyle bun
Video bundle using sock

Pigtail Beam Option

Hairstyle bun

To make such a bunch, we need all the same sock. This hairstyle is done in almost the same way as in the previous version. The difference is that when we start to curl the hair on the sock, we do not use all the hair, but only a part.

It is desirable that the central part of the tail remains intact, weave small pigtails out of this hair and twist it beautifully around the beam, as a result we get an original and interesting hairstyle.

Pigtail Bundle video

Remember that the hairstyle bundle goes to everyone, the main thing is to find "your" version of this simple hairstyle. Colored invisible hairpins, hairpins, decorated with stones or rhinestones, beads with beads of different sizes and colors can highlight the beauty of your hair. In addition, do not forget to experiment, for example, release a pair of strands from under the beam and curl them, or put the bangs up, in a word, dare!

Video of various hairstyles in the form of a beam