Haircut elf hairstyle for romantic and bold persons

Many girls like short haircuts, as they are practical, easy to care for and do not require a large amount of styling products. Currently, from short hairstyles in fashion haircut in elf style. Its classic version provides for very short hair at the sides, straight or oblique bangs and elongated curls at the back of the head. In any variations, the hairstyle elf should have a minimum length of hair near the ears.
Features of female appearance and short haircut elf
Facial features suitable for short haircuts

At home, you can quite easily determine whether the girl is elf-style haircut. To do this, take a close look at yourself in the mirror. If the face is small, but has large or unusual features, then it is better to make short haircuts. It is the small length of the hair that creates an emphasis on the face and its features. For example, big eyes or puffy lips will become even more expressive. Small facial features are not combined with open ears and short hair. The nose and lips will visually look even smaller.
Face shape and hair structure for an elf haircut

Hair elf suit owners of oval and elongated face. Chubby beauties better step by step to determine whether a short haircut elf suits them. To do this, you must first hide the hair in a bun on the back of your head, and then look at yourself in the mirror. If the resulting image suits them, then you can safely go to the hairdresser. Elf-style haircut should be removed from the list of possible options for those with curls curled into tight curls. Since they will be problematic daily stack.
Suitable hair color for short hair elf

Elf hairstyle looks great in bright hair colors. Stylish will look like an elf in red, copper or white. Natural brown hair is desirable to repaint, otherwise, the girl will be like a schoolboy. Several white or red strands can slightly improve the situation for the better.
Hair styling haircut elf
Short hair styling products

Short hair should not limit the scope for creativity of the hairdresser. Daily styling can create a variety of images of girls: from teenage carelessness to refined romance. Gel, wax, polish, cream or lotion may be required to create a hairstyle. Some girls use hair oil as a styling product at home, as it, in addition to fixation, provides curls with nutrition and protection from negative environmental factors. Styling products can also be replaced by a large number of indelible sprays. In order that after them the hair does not seem heavy, you must first use a shampoo that creates volume.
Perform styling on a haircut elf
Laying haircuts in elf style is performed step by step. In the summer, experts recommend starting with applying a thermal protective agent over the entire length of the strands. The next step will depend on the specific type of installation.
Smooth hair is easy to make yourself. Enough to get a special wax for hair. For the entire installation it will need quite a bit. The wax is applied to the palm and gently smoothing movements distributed on the head of hair. At this point, you can select a bang or, conversely, remove it with all the locks back. Spray gloss applied on the head of hair after completing the creation of hairstyles will help to create styling in retro style.

Instructions for creating a lush sloppy hairstyle is simple. The main thing is to choose the right tool for styling hair. Girls most often use foam or gel. These funds should be distributed at your fingertips and slightly tousled hair with chaotic hand movements. Then you can separate the strands and lay them in the right direction. A better fixing of the piling will be facilitated by fixing it with varnish.
All business women instruction prescribes to comply with a certain style in clothing and hairstyles. A short haircut elf will look restrained if you perform a side parting on it and use the gel to smooth the strands away from him.
Thus, the haircut elf opens for the girl many options for daily changes in her image.