Hair is electrified - what to do

Hair is electrified - what to do

So it is time for cold weather, which will last a long time. In winter, the hair requires particularly careful care. I already wrote about winter care, and now let's talk about another important problem - electrifying hair. And this problem appears due to the lack of moisture.

On the street cold take all the moisture from the hair, and indoors - dry air. After all, the room is constantly heated, and we often use heaters. And the hair dryer dries out our already dry hair. Without moisture, hair becomes dry, brittle, dull and completely lose its strength.

Why are hair electrified?

Most women are familiar with the problem when hair sticks to hands, crackles when combing, or when we wear a sweater over our head. They become disobedient, and there is no talk about laying! But why our hair is electrified?

The fact is that when touching, the hair produces weak electrical discharges, and under the influence of dry air the electrification intensifies, and something is obtained on the head. In the summer, hair electrification can also occur, but we do not notice it.

What to do if the hair is electrified?

one. Humidify the air. Humidifiers or ionizers can help solve the problem of dry air. If there are such devices in your house, the air will be sufficiently humidified and your hair will not be threatened.

2 Choose the right comb and hairdryer. Give up plastic combs, they not only increase the electrification of the hair, but also spoil the hair itself. Use hairbrushes made from natural materials or with natural bristles. Oak or cedar combs will do. Read more about how to choose the right comb read here.

By choosing a hair dryer should also be approached wisely. And if you do not want your hair to stand on end after drying, choose a hair dryer with ionization function. But it is better to refuse from the hair dryer at all.

3 Pick up makeup. Now on the shelves you can find a lot of cosmetics for hair with antistatic effect. And it really works. Perhaps the problem lies in the excessive dryness of the hair, so after each wash, use a balm or a mask. At the same time wash your head with warm, not hot water. After washing, rinse your head with water at room temperature.

four. Pay attention to clothes. All synthetic clothes provoke electrification of hair. If possible, exclude it from your wardrobe. In cold weather, always wear a hat, much less harm from it than from cold air.

five. Salon procedures. Procedures that offer hairdressers also help to avoid the problem of electrification. For example, if you have split ends, your hair lacks moisture, the hot scissors procedure will work very well. If possible, you can periodically make nourishing masks in the cabin.

6 Watch your body as a whole. In winter, not only hair lacks moisture, but also the entire body. Try to drink more water. Eat balanced.

Folk remedies against electrifying hair:

• Before combing, apply a couple of drops of lavender or rose essential oil to the comb (made from natural materials). They help to cope with static electricity, as well as give your hair a pleasant aroma and beautiful shine. • After washing your hair, rinse your hair with water and lemon juice. minutes, then rinse with warm water. • At least rinse your head occasionally with cool mineral carbonated water. It tones the skin and gives the effect of micromassage. • One of the popular folk methods is a mango mask: chop half of the mangoes in a blender, add 1 tsp. kefir and 1 yolk. Apply the mixture on the hair and leave for 20 minutes. Then rinse with water.