Hair care products
Beautiful and healthy hair always attracts special attention and is a “calling card” for its owner. Not all nature has awarded this wealth and not many are able over the years to keep the pomp and brilliance of its hair. However, if you properly and carefully take care of it, using diversified hair care products, you can achieve effective results: preserve their beauty and health for a long time.
How to choose the right hair care product
Undoubtedly, before you make a choice and use this or that hair care product, you need to understand their structure and type so that the care is correct and, most importantly, suitable. Otherwise, you risk not only aggravate the problem (loss, excessive curliness, lack of volume, etc.), but also just spoil your curls.
The structure of the hair of each person is different, while various factors can have a negative impact on the hair:
- genetic predisposition (innate qualities);
- poor diet (lack of certain minerals and vitamins in the body);
- harmful external influences (temperature difference, the content of harmful elements in the air, etc.);
- wrong hair care.
It is difficult for us to fight genetics and the outside world, but it is with them that we fight using professional means. But the right to eat and take care of the hair under the power of each.
Proper nutrition is a separate and serious topic for discussion. It should be noted that the growth of strong and healthy hair requires the consumption of dairy products, cereals, legumes. In addition, do not forget about meat, fish, vegetables and fruits. In general, you need a bit of everything, taking into account the characteristics of the organism.
And in order to properly care for your hair, you must correctly use a variety of professional and folk remedies. At the same time, you need to take care of your hair constantly, and not only when the situation is out of control and requires urgent intervention.
Also, do not forget that you should distinguish between everyday and professional care. Competent combination and selection of appropriate hair products is a guarantee of beauty and health of your curls.
Daily hair care
In concept "hair care" It is logical to include the following simple procedures: washing, combing, styling the hair. At first glance, ordinary manipulations, which we do not always attach due importance. And the fact that we use hair care products at one stage or another, and how carefully and correctly we monitor hair, depends half the success.
- Washing your head requires a serious attitude. First, the shampoo should suit your skin type. It is recommended to use the best means of proven manufacturers and, preferably, based on the natural composition. Secondly, you need to control the temperature of the water. Wash your head with warm water, as hot water expands the pores on the head and the hair follicle is more easily damaged. Third, after washing the hair, use styling balms to make the strands easier to comb. If you do not have a balm on hand, then use the "grandmother's" method: rinse the strands after washing with lemon water - squeeze the juice of half a lemon per liter of warm water or add 20 drops of essential lemon oil.
- Combing is not recommended when they are wet, it leads to their stretching. The process of combing the strands must begin from the bottom, gradually rising to the roots. The safest wooden comb, the use of plastic is allowed. Do not often use a metal comb, it electrifies and injures hair.
- The laying of the hair should be as limited as possible from the use of pleyok and irons, especially if it is needed every day. When the daily "burn" strands quickly become useless. To minimize damage from shrinking - do not neglect the use of hair care products with thermal protective properties.
Salon treatments and professional hair care products
Unfortunately, it is inevitable that, under the influence of various causes, our curls gradually become less attractive and healthy. In this case, the best solution would be to visit a beauty salon and consult a trichologist.
The trichologist will make a qualitative analysis of the scalp and identify the etiology of the problem. This will help identify existing weaknesses and ways to deal with the consequences.
Salon hair care is often much more effective than organized at home. First of all, knowing the diagnosis, it is possible to choose the right professional treatment tools that are distinguished by their active action and deep penetrating effect, due to which a positive result is surely achieved.
A wide arsenal of stimulants and therapeutic mixtures, presented in a series of professional cosmetics, will help to speed up the process of hair restoration and growth, purposefully influencing the source of the problem.
But note that professional products at home require careful handling: you should not use professional series shampoos daily (they have a more aggressive formula designed to deeply cleanse hair), professional hair masks are not intended for prolonged use, and styling products are more durable and require thorough flushing. Without knowing all the nuances of using one or another hair care product, you run the risk of spoiling your hair. That is why, using professional tools yourself - do not be lazy to pre-study the instructions for their use.
Professional hair care products in tandem with salon procedures are the most effective. The standard list of services for the care of hair includes:
- peeling of the scalp; exfoliation of dead skin cells;
- mesotherapy - therapeutic injections into the subcutaneous layer;
- hair lifting - stimulation of the scalp;
- Keraplasty and keratermia - restoration of the keratin layer. The hair structure is restored with the help of natural cosmetics based on algae, vegetable oils and henna;
- head massage, clay mask, wraps with thermal water and therapeutic mud;
- ozonation procedure (darsonval) to eliminate fungal diseases;
- aromatherapy with essential oils;
- biowave based on natural products, etc.
All these hair care options pursue one goal - to avoid injury to the skin, to help strengthen it and improve the overall health of the hair follicles.
Expected results from professional procedures:
- restoration of hair structure in thickness and stiffness;
- increase elasticity and shine;
- stimulate hair growth, strengthen the follicular sac;
- improved metabolism of hair cells;
- activation of blood circulation and oxygenation of cells.
In the salons for each case, an individual hair restoration program is developed and professional cosmetic hair care products are offered for this.
Folk remedies in recipes beauty hair care
Perhaps everyone would like to regularly visit beauty salons, but not everyone can afford it. There is an alternative - hair care with natural products that are time tested. It is pleasant to make nutritious masks and wrappings from natural products with one's own hands, observing the effectiveness of these procedures. Here are some folk remedies and "grandmothers" recipes for hair masks.
Kefir mask
Kefir mask helps moisturize dry hair and restores their elasticity. Step by step it is executed like this:
- An hour before washing the hair, kefir or sour milk is rubbed into the scalp. It is necessary to do this in delicate circular movements.
- Then wrapping is done from film and towel.
- After one hour, the hair is washed with shampoo and rinsed with water and lemon juice.
Nourishing mask
The nourishing mask is carried out in stages as follows.
- Castor or burdock oil is mixed with one yolk in proportion to two tablespoons of butter per yolk.
- Mask impose on the root zone of the head and do not wash off for an hour. The procedure is recommended every time before washing the head for a month. It helps to get rid of dandruff and strengthens hair.
Banana mask
For shine hair, you can use a banana mask. The scheme of execution is as follows: the pulp of a ripe banana is mixed with egg yolk and this gruel is applied for half an hour before washing the head on the hair.