Hair care after childbirth


As you know, childbirth significantly affect the physical condition of a woman, this is especially reflected in her appearance - the skin looks wilted, her nails are brittle, and her hair is dull.

Naturally, everyone is interested in the cause of hair loss after giving birth. Carrying a baby in your tummy, you give him a lot of vitamins, microorganisms, all the best. Another cause of loss is various changes on the hormonal background, for all women it happens in different ways.

A child who is in the abdomen of the mother, during the entire pregnancy, takes a lot of vitamins and nutrients from the mother's body, which immediately becomes noticeable by the appearance of the woman. To put yourself in order, you need to pay special attention to your lifestyle, and then thick and healthy hair will become an ornament to the young mother.

In the postpartum period, hair begins to fall out. It is estimated that a woman after childbirth falls from 40-95 hairs per day. But still it is the norm, simply cut off the ends of the hair.

There are cases when 105 hairs per day and even more are lost, treatment is required here. You also need to review your food, be sure to include in the diet nuts, fresh fruit, dairy and meat products, black bread and seeds.

After giving birth, all the attention of the young mother will be given to the baby, but you still need to find time for yourself. A child needs a confident mom, and her husband needs a loving and beautiful wife. With a small child, you almost always spend at home, that's just the moment to do your hair.

Take a break from varnish, blow-dry and wash your hair every day. Also wait for painting and curling hair, but do not forget about the nutritional mask.

Some of them can be purchased at the store or do it yourself. When buying a mask, make sure that ingredients such as copper, zinc and silicon are present. They very well feed the internal structure of the hair.

Healthy hair is also provided to those ladies who consume a lot of fluids. About two to three liters of pure, preferably non-carbonated water should be consumed per day.

Also, to keep your hair healthy - do not worry and do not be nervous. Stress is very bad for the appearance of your hair. Begin to actively fall out the hair, as well as your nervous condition is transmitted to the child. So do not worry!

The most important thing is that hair loss is temporary. Your body will soon return to normal and you will again have thick and beautiful hair. But you still need to take care more carefully than before.

Make yourself a short hairstyle, they are easier and faster to recover. By following all these tips, you can easily achieve excellent results!