Greasy hair

Greasy hair

Facial care - This is a pleasant and vital habit of the modern woman. When we are well-groomed and we look good, then the mood improves, and the surrounding men give us compliments, and cares are solved somehow by themselves and without much effort.

After all, you know that a beautiful woman caring for herself is a magnet for positive energy, good luck and good mood? Therefore, due attention should be paid to the face, body and hair.

Do not be discouraged if, looking at your reflection in the mirror, instead of pleasant emotions, you feel a desire to move away from the mirror, because your hair doesn’t please you at all with your look. On the contrary, more attention should be paid to the care of your hair and to develop a special program to care for them, mainly based on the definition of your hair type.

Your hair is greasy, if: they do not have volume and poorly preserve styling, stick together with strands and quickly become greasy and dirty. Do not be discouraged if your hair is oily, because the type of hair of each person depends on the work of the sebaceous glands located on the scalp. And if you regularly and properly care for your hair, they will certainly delight you with beauty and health.

The right program in the care of oily hair should solve several problems: competent and regular approach, protection, restoration, nutrition, maintenance of the sebaceous glands, the use of cosmetics and natural remedies:

Oily hair wash

Once our mothers and grandmothers believed that washing oily hair often is very harmful and leads to even greater greasiness and quick contamination. Experts in hair care proved that this opinion is erroneous: you can wash oily hair at least every day, the main thing is to use a shampoo specially designed for this type of hair (very useful if it contains birch sap).

Remember that oily hair is afraid of too hot water, because high temperature enhances the activity of the sebaceous glands, so use warm boiled water.

Useful herbal rinse for greasy hair

Give pleasure to yourself, and give your hair a well-groomed and healthy look, adopting several recipes of natural herbal rinse:

A decoction of the fruits of mountain ash ordinary - boil for 10-15 minutes a mixture of 1ST. spoon rowan and 2 glasses of water

Infusion of oak bark: pour 2st. spoons of oak bark with 2 cups of hot water and leave for 15-20 minutes,

Broth chamomile pharmaceutical - boil for 5-10min a mixture of 2st. spoons of chamomile and 1l of water,

Infusion Hypericum: Pour 2st. spoons of Hypericum 2 cups of hot water, insist 15-20min,

Strain the resulting mixture and use to rinse hair.

Pomegranate lotion to strengthen and care for oily hair

A real exotic delicacy for your hair will be the use in cosmetic care of them of one of the most ancient known to man fruits - pomegranate. The pulp of this fruit is rich in fructose, malic and citric acids, various trace elements and vitamins, and the peel contains tannins and alkaloids.

Prepare a mixture of a glass of vodka, juice of half a lemon, as well as taken 1 hour. spoon carrot juice and honey. Mix everything well and add the juice of one pomegranate.

Stir the resulting lotion again, close tightly and place in a dark place for ten days. Before each hair wash for a month, separate the hair into strands and wipe the roots with a cotton pad dipped in an exotic lotion. Tie your hair with a towel for 30 minutes and then wash them with a soft shampoo suitable for your hair type.

In a month you will not recognize your hair - so they will become healthy and attractive.

Useful clay for greasy hair

Cosmetic clay (best of all, green) is surely in the arsenal of cosmetics of modern beauty. And to use it is useful not only in skin care, but also for oily hair. It is good to do two or three times a week clay wraps, which effectively cleanse and nourish the hair, help restore their structure and improve appearance. With regular use, the function of the sebaceous glands is normalized, and the hair roots are strengthened.

Your hair will become strong and elastic, will get a healthy and well-groomed appearance. So, we use clay wrapping: wash your hair, dry it, apply a mixture of clay and water to slightly damp hair and scalp (1: 1, until a homogeneous mass is obtained), massage a little and leave for 20-30 minutes. Then rinse with warm water.

Regularly applying the right approach in the care of oily hair, you will make it beautiful, healthy and attractive, and a good mood and pleasure from your well-groomed reflection in the mirror will bring you a lot of positive emotions every day.