Grape seed oil


Grape seed oil - a truly unique product. This little has a light texture and is perfectly absorbed by the skin. And grape seed contains a very strong natural antioxidant - procyanide.

The oil is suitable for any type of hair and skin, especially useful for oily skin, as well as regulates the sebaceous glands. Grape seed oil contains many other beneficial ingredients, these are vitamins A, B, C, E and P, trace elements, proteins, tannins and fatty acids.

Grape Seed Oil

For hair, this oil has a very beneficial effect. And owners of greasy hair type can exult, this oil is just created for them. It is easily absorbed into the skin and pores, while not clogging them and does not leave a greasy film. Penetrating into the scalp, it helps reduce self-secretion.

Grape seed oil

In addition, grape seed oil acts on the vessels of the scalp, cleanses the walls of blood vessels from harmful deposits and helps to restore the capillaries. Due to this, blood circulation in the scalp is improved, the skin is rejuvenated, and the bulbs remain in good shape.

Vitamin E, which is found in large quantities in grape seed oil, nourishes, heals and protects the scalp and hair ends. Oil will protect your hair from brittleness and cross-section, return hair shine and elasticity.

This oil can be used independently and in a mixture with other components. For a start, it is better not to warm it up a little, and then apply it evenly on the entire scalp and gently massage the scalp, while the bulk of the oil should be absorbed.

If you are concerned only with oily scalp, then over the entire length of the hair is not necessary to apply, if the hair ends are damaged or dry, then spread the oil with a comb through the hair.

To moisturize hair, you can mix grape seed oil with lemon juice and egg white. This mask nourishes the hair, saturates the skin and hair with moisture.

Oil goes well with other base oils. You can mix 1 teaspoon of several different oils (peach, almond, olive, jojoba, etc.) and apply to your hair.