Folk remedies for hair loss
More and more girls are faced with the problem of hair loss, and if for men this prospect is not the end of the world, then for women this is a real disaster.
Hair loss depends on various factors, such as poor ecology, health, unhealthy diet, as well as modern chemical hair care products. Read more about the possible causes of hair loss written here.
There are a lot of reasons for falling out, which is why it is worth thinking about starting to use natural hair care products, because preventing hair loss is much easier than treating an already emerging bald spot.
Folk remedies for hair loss.
If you lose a large amount of hair a day, then traditional medicine recommends that you use headwash decoction of birch leaves.
Also very useful folk remedy to prevent hair loss is burdock oil. Oil must be rubbed into the hair and left for a long time, then rinse with a shampoo.
Very often in the composition of folk remedies for hair loss is burdock root. Infusion or decoction of this root is recommended to rinse hair after washing. Also very useful is the ointment from burdock root. For its preparation you need 200 grams of butter and powdered burdock root. All this needs to be thoroughly mixed and applied to the scalp for several hours.
But for accelerating hair growth popular recipes suggest to use onion juice mixed with honey. Rapid hair growth will help restore the volume of hair that you have lost due to hair loss. A spoonful of honey should be mixed with onion gruel and apply the resulting mixture to the hair. Hold this mask for half an hour, and then wash off with plenty of warm water or a decoction of birch leaves.
Folk recipes masks against hair loss.
To achieve the best result, you can use special masks based on natural ingredients. These masks will help to give your hair a healthy look and strengthen the hair roots.
The most popular among folk remedies for hair loss can be called a mask of aloe juice. For its preparation, you will need a dessert spoon of lemon juice, a teaspoon of aloe juice, egg yolk and a small clove of garlic. Thoroughly mixed, apply the resulting composition to the hair, paying particular attention to the roots. After half an hour has passed, rinse your hair with cool water and rinse infusion of chamomile.
Less well-known, but no less effective, is a mask of yolks and brandy. It is the use of brandy to help improve blood circulation, and this is the best way promotes hair growth. The composition of this mask will include a couple of spoons of a vegetable mask and brandy, as well as two yolks. Thoroughly mix all the ingredients, apply the mixture to the roots and hair. Wrap your head with a towel, you need to hold the mask for about an hour, then rinse with shampoo.
Other masks against hair loss can be found here.
However, it is worth remembering that no homemade recipes will help you if the cause of hair loss is related to your health. Therefore, lead a healthy lifestyle, eat right and by this you will provide yourself with healthy and beautiful hair.