Female and male bald haircut - technology to perform a bald


Female and male bald haircut - technology to perform a bald head

Haircut is a great way to drastically change the style, show the brightness and personality of the image, demonstrate the independence and courage of your personality. And this applies not only to men, but also to women, as the haircut is bald recently gained unprecedented popularity among the beautiful half of humanity. In 2018, this type of hairstyle, where the hair is clipped to zero, continues to enjoy success in men and women to the same extent.

It should be noted that this hairstyle is also called a haircut under Kotovsky (a revolutionary figure, a famous legend of the underworld). He was different and distinguished by the fact that he always shaved his head bald. His photo is presented below.

Female and male bald haircut - technology to perform a bald head

To whom goes the hairstyle bald

Despite the many positive aspects of the haircut in question, it is far from all people can afford to wear this haircut, because for a number of reasons it will not decorate the recreated image, but, on the contrary, spoil the look.

Zero haircut is suitable for those who:

  • Oval or square face, without a pronounced massive chin;
  • Whose hair is thin;
  • Who does not have birthmarks on the head, there is a large number of noticeable scars, burns;
  • Whose ears are not too large;
  • Who has an even skull of the head;
  • Who does not have various dermatological problems with the scalp.

Female and male bald haircut - technology to perform a bald head

Female haircut

Haircut girls bald - this is a good opportunity to get away from the same type and annoying female hairstyles, to attract attention, to express self-expression. If you believe the old customs, then shaving hair symbolizes the beginning of a new life and, most importantly, such a haircut is able to visually rejuvenate the face, give it a freshness.

It is believed that haircut bald is necessary in cases where a person has experienced a difficult period, because the locks absorb negative energy. Cutting them off, a person thus opens the beginning of life from scratch.

Female and male bald haircut - technology to perform a bald head

If we leave aside the symbolism, mysticism and various old beliefs, then it should be said about the obvious practicality, saving time, convenience, haircuts bald, which does not require special and careful self-care. Such hairstyles are universal, as they are suitable for almost any age category of both women and men. Hair in the form of a bare head is in harmony with any style of clothing (from sports to classic). It promotes healing: after the hair is cut, the so-called dead cells occur, the skin of the head begins to "breathe".

Female and male bald haircut - technology to perform a bald head

Haircuts of women bald perfectly with bright makeup, focuses on the eyes, thereby giving them expressiveness. Many celebrities, having decided on such a radical change in their image, made a choice in favor of cutting their hair well and looked very impressive, bold and stylish.

Fashionable and very short female haircuts look here.

Men's haircut

For men, hair bald is always recognized as a classic. She gave manliness, attractiveness, charisma to the image. Haircut, made bare, is suitable for any type of hair. It really is. However, there are several limitations to the creation of this haircut: skin or skull flaws. Different protrusions, bumps should be hidden under the hair, and not to expose.

Female and male bald haircut - technology to perform a bald head

Hairstyle bald looks great on a large head, because a small head after shaving the hair will visually look even smaller.

It is also important to mention that the “under zero” haircut is suitable only for those men whose facial features are not very soft and subtle, because such appearance in combination with a zero-hair will look ridiculous and even funny. Unlike women, who decide to have a haircut done in order to express their “I”, men set a somewhat different goal - to provide themselves with ease in caring for their hair, to reduce waste of time on styling and combing.

Female and male bald haircut - technology to perform a bald head

In addition, haircut bald for men will be an excellent way out when the hair on different parts of the scalp begin to rapidly fall out, forming bald patches and bald patches. In order to hide the signs of baldness, men agree to a zero haircut.

Female and male bald haircut - technology to perform a bald head

The procedure for shaving children bald has gained wide popularity. Haircut is done to a child for several reasons: it noticeably facilitates the care of baby's hair, shaving contributes to the fact that subsequently growing strands become healthier, thicker and stronger.

Female and male bald haircut - technology to perform a bald head

Apply this procedure can be a year, because the younger children, as noted by physicians, when cutting can make a dramatic effect, twitch, which can lead to cuts and scars. In addition, the child may be frightened by the sound of a typewriter. Sensation of the instrument on the skin can also cause stress. In addition, in children of this age there are so-called weak places: springs on the crown. If you damage them, the consequences can be the worst.

Technique of performing a haircut

In order to carry out the clipping you should have the following tools:

  • Hairbrush;
  • Machine;
  • The machine for a haircut;
  • Special hairdressing scissors;

    If the scalp is particularly sensitive, you will need a shaving gel or lotion.

    The preparatory steps to recreating the haircut are the following steps: first you need to carefully comb the hair, then cut each strand, while pulling it ninety degrees as close as possible to the roots (actions carried out with a straight cut on the fingers), then using a machine without nozzles are removed remnants, after all the procedures performed, the scalp will remain under a hot shower.

    The technology of performing a haircut, which will minimize irritation after shaving, involves the following steps of work on the hair:

Female and male bald haircut - technology to perform a bald head
Female and male bald haircut - technology to perform a bald head

  • Apply the gel to the skin in moderation;
  • Start a smooth, leisurely shave with the free movement of the machine from the forehead to the neck;
  • After each such pass, the machine must be washed using the tool;
  • Hair, located on the front area, need to shave against growth. The curls, which are located on the back of my head, shave off in height. Following just such a pattern of shaving will help avoid inflammation and irritation of the scalp;
  • Next, you need to hold your hand over the shaved areas, in order to ensure the smoothness of the scalp. The small remains of hair get in small steps;
  • A gel is applied to the back of the head. Now you should keep the opposite direction when shaving: the machine should be controlled so that it moves from the neck to the crown area. When it comes to the suboccipital depression, the pressure on the typewriter increases;
  • On the sides of the ears should be slightly delayed. At this stage, the movement of the machine is carried out from the bottom up;
  • The same actions apply on the temporal zones;
  • After all the above steps, you should rinse the shaved head with cool water in order to get rid of the remnants of the gel;
  • Next, the skin is treated with lotion or milk.

    Such a seemingly simple hairstyle still requires care, even the most minimal one. For thin and sensitive skin, treatment with a special moisturizer is necessary. In the summer, it is desirable to apply a cream with ultraviolet protection, and in the winter, you should use cosmetic oil.

    With regard to male hairstyles bald - men who have increased fat production, excessive sweating, it is recommended to apply cosmetic tonics made on the basis of alcohol on the head every day, or as an alternative to use napkins that remove oily shine on the head.

    To the scalp does not become hardened, you should do massages aimed at improving blood circulation.

    Haircut bald should be done carefully, look well-groomed, beautiful and stylish. Show your personality and be brave!