False hair on the hairpins (tressy)

False hair on the hairpins (tressy)

To date hair pins relevant as ever. This is a great way for those who dream of long thick hair, but do not want to do regular hair extensions. With fake hair, you can do a variety of hairstyles and change every day.

You can wear strands only for holidays or important events, or use them daily, if you are going to play sports or go to the pool, then it is enough to unfasten your hair and lead a normal life again.

With the help of overhead strands, you can add volume to your hair without changing the length or add lengths to the opposite. If you are planning to change the color of your hair, then this will not cause you problems, the color of the overhead strands can also be changed by dyeing them with the same paint. This is only possible if the hair on the hairpins is natural.

How to choose overhead strands:

one. When choosing overhead strands, give preference to proven manufacturers and choose strands from natural hair. Then you can paint them, highlight them, stretch them with an iron and spin them on curlers.

2 You can purchase individual strands or strands set. First, you need to decide how long you want your hair and how to do it with the help of strands, so that the whole hair looks natural. For example, if you acquire several strands for length, they will stand out and look unnatural. Strands in a set, as a rule, of different lengths and are intended for different areas of the head (temporal and occipital).

3 When choosing overhead strands, carefully select the shade. It should best fit your hair color.

four. It is very important that the overhead strands fit your hair color as much as possible. Now it is not so difficult to do this, as manufacturers offer a wide palette of colors.

False hair on the hairpins (tressy)

How to attach overhead strands:

To fasten hair pins you can do it yourself, for this you do not need any special skills and 10-15 minutes is enough.

Strands are attached, starting from the back of the head, and then rising higher to the crown. The widest strands are attached to the back of the head. On the temporal part of the narrower strands are fixed and bury a layer of their hair.

In order to keep the strands better, your hair should be slightly combed at the roots, sprinkled with varnish and then fasten a hair pin with hair at this place. Especially if you are the owner perfectly straight. If the hair is wavy, then the false hair is likely to hold up well and without a pile.

Master class on fastening overhead strands of natural hair

Pros and cons of overhead strands.

Pros:- using overhead strands you get the desired volume and length.- you can afford any hairstyle.- when long hair you don’t need to be removed easily .- strands can be used many times, with careful care you can last them for three years.- false hair can be paint, expose various styling (straighten, curl).

There are significant advantages overhead strands compared with capacity.

First, you “put on” the overhead strands only when you need them, you need to wear the extension hair all the time, from which your hair suffers, as they are under constant tension.

Secondly, the overhead strands do not interfere in everyday life (for example, if you exercise sports and swimming), the same hair with you everywhere and everywhere.

For extended hair, constant care is needed, they need to be constantly combed, washed with special shampoos along with the whole head, dried for a long time, and with false straps you will not know such problems. And yet, remember that your hair grows and therefore you will have to make correction of the extension hair, and the false hair does not need this procedure.

Minuses:- hairpins attached to the hair can create a feeling of heaviness, so constantly wearing false hair will be hard. - with false hair, you can get into an awkward situation, for example, if one strand slips off your hair and everyone sees the secret of your gorgeous hair. Or a more piquant situation may occur when, after a date with a man, the affair takes on an intimate twist and then you take off your fake hair. For a man, this can be a shock;) - if your hair is straight and you constantly comb it at the roots to attach hairpins, then the hair can be damaged or begin to split. - if the strands are constantly blow-dried, apply dyes, straighteners and tongs to them for curling, they quickly lose a beautiful look, and will look like straw.

Hair Care Hair Barrettes

Washing hair

Wash hair pins, or as they are called "tress" very simple: dip the strands in a basin of water and moisten them with shampoo. Do not use shampoos designed specifically for dry or oily hair, it is best to use shampoo for normal hair and moisturizing shampoo. After that, apply a balsam or a mask for 10-15 minutes.

Remember that combing wet hair can not be, just do not squeeze them. Just hang your hair, and when they are dry, comb them.

Washing hair with hairpins (video)

Hair care

To keep the strands over as long as possible, treat them gently and carefully as you would your own hair. Since the overhead strands do not receive power from the head, they need to be powered from the outside. For this fit moisturizing and regenerating sprays. Before you fasten the hair on the hairpins, carefully comb them.