Everyday hairstyles for school
![hairstyles to school every day Everyday hairstyles for school](../uploads/img/idei_prichesok_na_kazhdij_den_dlya.jpg)
Criteria for creating hairstyles to school every day
Every day, going to school, little students think up their hairstyles, and mothers help them to create them. Growing up, the girls are already able to do some styling with their own hands. School hair should perform several functions and meet certain criteria.
1) It should not look old-fashioned, as if from the past century, so as not to cause ridicule classmates. Children react very seriously to comments from their peers, so any unflattering word addressed to them can leave an indelible mark.
2) The laying should not cause inconvenience so that it does not distract from the process of schooling. And also so that the child can easily correct it during the day if she has lost her form.
3) Simple hairstyles for girls are the most suitable for every day for school. So that the child himself or with the help of an adult could easily and quickly create it in the morning before classes, without getting up too early.
4) Everything in the hairstyle should meet the school requirements, it should not look as if you came to the prom night.
5) Do not do too adult haircut or styling, everything must match the age and look harmonious.
Casual school hairstyles for long and medium hair
In the hairstyle, everything is important, including the fringe, if the girl wears it. You need to understand that too long bangs can distract from classes, as well as spoil the vision. For different types of faces, different bangs are suitable. So if a child has a pretty face, then it is better to make a slanting bang. If the face is thin, then a straight line is better. Medium-length hairs are optimal for schoolgirls, as they do not require much care and time for their “refining”. In addition, in childhood the hair is still not very strong, so do not hurt them once again. For example, wearing fluffy hair every day in school can lead to the fact that curls get confused and start to break because of this.
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![hairstyles to school every day Everyday hairstyles for school](../uploads/img/idei_prichesok_na_kazhdij_den_dlya_3.jpg)
![hairstyles to school every day Everyday hairstyles for school](../uploads/img/idei_prichesok_na_kazhdij_den_dlya_4.jpg)
Moms and dads should stock up with enough gum and other hair accessories, as with their help you can make a variety of hairstyles to school for every day, which will look good and be easily executed. In addition, rezinochki very quickly lost, or lose their strength and appearance.
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![hairstyles to school every day Everyday hairstyles for school](../uploads/img/idei_prichesok_na_kazhdij_den_dlya_6.jpg)
![hairstyles to school every day Everyday hairstyles for school](../uploads/img/idei_prichesok_na_kazhdij_den_dlya_7.jpg)
What are school hairstyles for long, medium and short hair, look here.
School tails
One of the most acceptable styling options for the school is the tail. It is very simple to perform and looks pretty good. At the same time the schoolgirl does not have to change her hairstyle in front of physical culture. Also, such a laying for a long time can last unchanged throughout the day. The tail is suitable for any type of person and for any kind of long and medium hair.
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![hairstyles to school every day Everyday hairstyles for school](../uploads/img/idei_prichesok_na_kazhdij_den_dlya_9.jpg)
You can make several tails, or, for example, create it not in the center, but on the side. You can complement such a tail with a scythe or some beautiful rubber band or barrette.
![hairstyles to school every day Everyday hairstyles for school](../uploads/img/idei_prichesok_na_kazhdij_den_dlya_10.jpg)
It is not worth much to tighten the hair, otherwise it can turn into a headache that will interfere with the child during school and cause all sorts of discomfort.
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![hairstyles to school every day Everyday hairstyles for school](../uploads/img/idei_prichesok_na_kazhdij_den_dlya_12.jpg)
One of the interesting options for creating hairstyles from the tail is "Cascade". But this is not a haircut at all, as many might think. Photo hairstyle presented below. How to do it? The essence of laying is that the tails are located at different levels. But you should not do this hairstyle, if the hair is too short or have different lengths or in front this length is very short. Since in this case, the curls will come out and spoil the overall image. All hair should be moved to the side. Then select two strands - one small near the forehead, and the other near the crown. These two strands are connected to the tail, and then turned around itself. Next, take the hair below the same volume and just as connected and rotated. This should be done until all strands are involved.
![Everyday hairstyles for school](../uploads/img/idei_prichesok_na_kazhdij_den_dlya_13.jpg)
It turns out the original hairstyle for every day, which is not difficult to perform in 5 minutes.
Everyday styling with braids
Another type of hairstyle loved by girls are braids. Schoolgirls are most often associated with them.
![hairstyles to school every day Everyday hairstyles for school](../uploads/img/idei_prichesok_na_kazhdij_den_dlya_14.jpg)
Previously, female students braided a regular pigtail or two and tied them with a bow, but today it is completely boring and not interesting. At present, hair with braids look very gentle and feminine, moreover, they do not interfere with girls during their studies and can hold out for a very long time without losing their appearance.
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![hairstyles to school every day Everyday hairstyles for school](../uploads/img/idei_prichesok_na_kazhdij_den_dlya_16.jpg)
![hairstyles to school every day Everyday hairstyles for school](../uploads/img/idei_prichesok_na_kazhdij_den_dlya_17.jpg)
You can make the French braids or braids similar to them, braided the other way round. They look very beautiful, and they are made quite simply. Then the strands can be stretched to make the braid look voluminous.
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![hairstyles to school every day Everyday hairstyles for school](../uploads/img/idei_prichesok_na_kazhdij_den_dlya_19.jpg)
![hairstyles to school every day Everyday hairstyles for school](../uploads/img/idei_prichesok_na_kazhdij_den_dlya_20.jpg)
You can make the collected hairstyle with weaving.
![hairstyles to school every day Everyday hairstyles for school](../uploads/img/idei_prichesok_na_kazhdij_den_dlya_21.jpg)
Braids without weaving, created with the help of rubber bands look very impressive.
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![hairstyles to school every day Everyday hairstyles for school](../uploads/img/idei_prichesok_na_kazhdij_den_dlya_23.jpg)
How to perform such weaving, see the following video material.
But the hair based on the braid, which can be done in 5 minutes. Here, three braids are connected into one. This is a great school hairstyle for every day. To begin with, two strands of hair in the upper part of the head are separated and pigtails with a grab are woven from them, as shown in the photo. This hair is taken at the edges. Weave pigtails need not fully, several times picking up the hair, and then a simple three-strand braid. Further, on the other hand, the same actions are repeated. In the center of the lower part of the hair weave a braid in a similar way to the end of their length. In the links of the central spit need to thread the two extreme. It looks very impressive and, as you can see, it is not at all difficult to create. And to give a festive look to the hairstyle, it is enough to add hairpins or ribbons and ribbons.
![Everyday hairstyles for school](../uploads/img/idei_prichesok_na_kazhdij_den_dlya_24.jpg)
Making bunches for schoolgirls with their own hands
Another option that is loved not only by girls, but also by adult women. This is a very simple and convenient hairstyle bun. Now, to simplify the process of creating an image, there are various devices, for example, rollers, which will make a very even and beautiful beam.
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![hairstyles to school every day Everyday hairstyles for school](../uploads/img/idei_prichesok_na_kazhdij_den_dlya_26.jpg)
![hairstyles to school every day Everyday hairstyles for school](../uploads/img/idei_prichesok_na_kazhdij_den_dlya_27.jpg)
But you can use the "old-fashioned" hairpins, rubber bands and pins. Hairstyle is created very simple. It is necessary to collect the hair in a ponytail at the crown, then wrap it in a bundle and wrap it in a circle on the elastic band, and then fix it with special hairpins and pins. You can make a beam at the bottom of the head, then the image will be more serious and discreet.
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![hairstyles to school every day Everyday hairstyles for school](../uploads/img/idei_prichesok_na_kazhdij_den_dlya_29.jpg)
For slender girls and small fit very well beam at the top of the head. You can make two beams on the sides, then it will look very fun, like little horns. For this you need to make the same harnesses, only from the tails tied at the sides. Or create bunches of braids. You can decorate with various ribbons, rubber bands, headbands, and barrettes.
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![hairstyles to school every day Everyday hairstyles for school](../uploads/img/idei_prichesok_na_kazhdij_den_dlya_31.jpg)
![hairstyles to school every day Everyday hairstyles for school](../uploads/img/idei_prichesok_na_kazhdij_den_dlya_32.jpg)
Beautiful bows of hair in 5 minutes
Popular lately styling among young people and schoolgirls for every day is a bow of hair. It looks very fun and cool and just enough is done. There are many options for such hairstyles, but they are all based on the one - the classic, just a little modified.
![hairstyles to school every day Everyday hairstyles for school](../uploads/img/idei_prichesok_na_kazhdij_den_dlya_33.jpg)
How to make such an image, consider step by step:
1) First you need to tie a taut rubber band on the top of the head or where the bow is supposed to be placed. All hair should be collected and not fall out of the tail.
2) The tail must be made the last time through the rubber band is not fully, so that there is an unfinished movement, like a loop.
3) Hair that hangs from the bottom of the loop should be left and fastened with a hairpin to the head so that they do not interfere, as long as they are not needed, but will be used later in creating the final image.
4) Next, the hair from the eyelet is divided into two equal parts. These will be different sides of the bow, so they must be the same size so that everything looks harmonious.
5) Now it's time for the strands, which were pinned to the top of the head, it must be placed between the separated loops of the loop, it will be the middle of a bow. It should not be tightly tightened, otherwise you will not get the desired result. It remains to fix this tip with the help of studs or stealth arms behind the bow so that it is well fixed, otherwise the bow will quickly lose its appearance. It turns out a nice hairstyle that you can do to girls in school every day. The result can be seen in the photo. You can also supplement it with various hair ornaments.
![Everyday hairstyles for school](../uploads/img/idei_prichesok_na_kazhdij_den_dlya_34.jpg)
A variety of the fastest hairstyles for girls in school can be seen here.