Darsonval hair


girl with black hair

Environmental factors - natural and anthropogenic directly or indirectly affect the human body. Human hair is sensitive to negative environmental influences, unbalanced nutrition, illness and stress. This reaction is expressed in the deterioration of the hair and their loss. In the treatment of hair, various methods are used: modern medical technologies, traditional medicine. One of the most famous and effective ways is darsonvalization of hair.

The principle of operation of the apparatus darsonval

The history of the device has more than 100 years of successful application in world medical practice and cosmetology. The principle of its operation is quite simple - currents darsonval with certain parameters, affect the lymph and venous blood, which improves their outflow from various organs and skin. At the same time, cellular nutrition is improved, regeneration processes are accelerated, and the condition of blood vessels is improved. The device operates from the electrical grid, converting industrial or household current into a high-frequency current, which in the form of pulses is transmitted to the skin through glass rods-electrodes filled with gas. The effect of darsonvalization of hair is based on the action of a weak pulse current with high voltage and frequency.

all darsonval apparatus

For a long time the device darsonval for hair was used only in cosmetology rooms. Now, to get darsonval treatment, it is not necessary to visit a beautician. Modern devices - safe and reliable, and everyone can learn to use them at home.

Indications for use of the apparatus for the treatment of hair

  • Slower hair growth
  • Seborrheic alopecia
  • Focal baldness
  • Enhanced hair loss
  • Dry, brittle and weak hair
  • Excessive oily hair

Contraindications for treatment darsonval

  • Intolerance of discharges of electric current
  • Oncological diseases
  • Violations of the integrity of the skin on the head
  • Cardiovascular diseases
  • Bleeding and blood coagulation disorder
  • Thrombophlebitis
  • Pacemaker
  • Active phase tuberculosis
  • Pregnancy and lactation
  • Epilepsy

Can I use the device during pregnancy

Even if the pregnancy proceeds quite normally, it is not recommended to apply such a procedure as darsonvalization of hair during this period. Using the device darsonval during pregnancy can cause the development of pathology in its course. High-frequency pulse current tones the muscles in the body, including the muscles of the uterus, which is highly undesirable. Therefore, doctors are not advised to use darsonval during pregnancy. To restore the power of the hair can be after the birth of a child, and only after consulting a doctor.

use of the device

Darsonval device selection

In order to know how to choose darsonval for hair treatment, you should consult a cosmetologist and the attending physician. This is necessary in order to exclude contraindications for its use.

For carrying out cosmetic procedures with a head of hair a simple model may be enough. Such models have 3-4 nozzles, including a comb used in the darsonval treatment procedure. It is better to buy darsonval of proven manufacturing companies that have long been operating in the Russian market. The purchased device should be with a technical passport and detailed instructions in Russian, with a description of the characteristics of the device and methods of its use. The buyer should make sure that the acquired darsonval for hair growth is certified in Russia. On darsonval devices, manufacturers provide service guarantees for an average of up to 3 years.

How is the treatment?

The whole procedure of darsonval consists of combing hair with a comb. She is carried out several times on the head of hair in the direction from the forehead to the back of the head. There are two methods of using darsonval for hair growth - contact and remote.

  1. The contact method is used to treat dysonvalum seborrhea and some forms of alopecia.
  2. Remote - a more intense method of exposure to the device, using a spark discharge. At home, he requires a certain skill. This method is effective in stimulating hair growth.

The duration of a darsonval procedure is up to 10 minutes. Wherein:

  • Hair should be dry and clean.
  • The darsonval procedure begins with the treatment of the nozzle with an alcohol solution.
  • Metal hairpins are removed from the hair
  • A special oil formulation is applied to the scalp.
  • After the procedure, oil masks are applied for 15-20 minutes. After the mask, the hair should be washed with a suitable shampoo for hair and, if necessary, treat the scalp with a firming lotion or serum for hair growth.

what the device looks like

The course of treatment with darsonvalum consists of twenty procedures with a break of one to two days between sessions. You can repeat this treatment three or four times a year.

During the darsonvalization procedure, the rules of safe work should be observed:

  • It is forbidden to use the device darsonval in rooms with high humidity
  • Before connecting the device to the network, make sure that the electrode, the device body and the power cord are in good condition.
  • It is forbidden to turn on the device without an installed electrode.
  • It is strictly forbidden to use a device that has been exposed to water or has been in water.
  • Do not touch the device and the surface of the electrode next to the metal holder
  • When installing the electrode in a metal holder can not use force - this can lead to breakage of the electrode
  • Before use and after completion of the procedure - the electrode should be cleaned with an alcohol solution and wipe thoroughly.

hair treatment apparatus

The effectiveness of darsonval for the treatment and growth of hair

  1. Darsonval for hair improves nutrition of skin cells of the scalp, stimulates blood circulation. This leads to an improvement in the condition of the scalp, dandruff reduction. The skin becomes more dry and healthy.
  2. Weak currents darsonval normalize the condition of the hair follicles, contribute to their recovery, destroying fungi and microorganisms using ozonation, which occurs during the procedure.
  3. Periodic use of darsonval helps to improve hair growth and their overall recovery. A few minutes a day spent on such an event as a darsonval procedure will make the hair healthy and strong.
  4. The use of darsonval for decades in solving problems with the condition of the hair proved its effectiveness. But, unfortunately, the use of this device is ineffective with hair problems associated with metabolic disorders. It helps to maintain only the current condition of the hair, but does not eliminate the problem itself.

what darsonval looks like

Video: Darsonval apparatus effect on hair condition