Damaged hair

Damaged hair

To have healthy hair that shimmers and shines in the sun, every woman wants. Such hair does not cause problems to their hostess, care for them is extremely simple and consists of regular washing, obligatory rinsing with herbal decoctions and head massage.

But there are many factors that cause damage to the hair. These include: - perm; - frequent staining; - improper combing of hair; - abuse of hot appliances; - used for styling (hair dryer, curling iron, iron); - poor nutrition; - physical and psychological stress; - insomnia; - frequent headaches.

Also do not underestimate the impact the environment. Cold wind, scorching sun, water containing chlorine and chemicals - all this dries the hair.

We should also mention the natural processes of aging of the body: the suspension of the renewal of melanin and keratin in the hair leads to loss of strength and health of the hair.

Hair care can be effective even at home. You just need to follow some simple tips.

one. Hair needs moisturizing and care. One of the best moisturizers is vegetable oil (castor, olive or burdock). It needs to be rubbed with light massage movements an hour before washing. Oil can be combined with many other components, for example, essential oils, honey, lemon juice, egg yolk.

2 As a conditioner it is better to use herbal infusions and decoctions. Blondes are recommended chamomile infusion, brunettes - calamus, nettle, string.

3 A decoction of sage in combination with soaked black bread will return the hair shine and silkiness.

four. Hair should be washed only with warm water, since hot water has the ability to dissolve the natural oils contained in the scalp. Namely, they provide hair protection and natural shine.

five. Care products must match hair type. The time and experimental path will help you to understand which mousses, varnishes, gels are right for you. Weather conditions in damage to the hair structure also play a large role, therefore, in winter and summer, different means should be used.

6 Experts recommend cutting the hair more often to prevent the appearance of untidy split ends.

7 Try not to appear in the open sun without a headdress. Ultraviolet radiation is very harmful effect on the hair and scalp. If you plan to stay for too long under the scorching sun, you should use a protective spray or a special conditioner with the presence of a UF-filter.

eight. A weekly head massage will also be beneficial, which will strengthen the hair roots and improve blood circulation.

Naturally, if the budget allows you to visit a beauty salon, be sure to take advantage of this opportunity. Professionals will help develop a program to care for the scalp and hair, which will help bring hair back to normal faster and more efficiently.