Creative hair coloring


Creative hair coloring
A new hair color can bring diversity to your life, raise your mood, set up adventures and even change your life. Women dye their hair for various reasons, someone does not suit their hair color, someone begins to appear gray, and someone just loves to take risks and change. For the latter category there is such a type of staining as creative.

With help creative coloring, You can create your own individual and unique image, because creativity is creativity, it is always unique. There are various techniques and techniques of creative coloring, among which are highlighting, coloring, bronding, toning, and complex coloring. Let's take a closer look at what is such a complex staining.

Complex staining - This is the use of 2 or more tones of paint. It is like transitions from one color to another, individual bright strands, various prints (brindle, leopard), coloring only the ends of the hair or bangs.

To date, the newest technologies of complex creative coloring are - screen coloring and 3D coloring.

Screen coloring

Paint with this type of staining is applied using a stencil that allows you to create both vertical and horizontal textures, a variety of drawings. Usually, such dyeing is done with natural dyes, which allows the pattern to stick to the hair for 1 month, but if you want a longer result, then you can use regular resistant paint.

Stencil coloring is not suitable for everyone. It is important to have thick, smooth hair, so that the picture looks good, but of course the hair must be healthy.

Photo screen coloring

Creative hair coloring
Creative hair coloring
Creative hair coloring
Creative hair coloring

3D hair coloring

This is a new generation technology developed by By Alexanr Todchuk, fashion stylist and makeup artist, the owner of the company "Alexander Todchuk Studio". With this technology, only individual bands are stained in certain areas of the head, which creates the effect of volumetric color. This type of coloring is based on a professional selection of colors, these colors should be 3 and they are all from the same color palette. Thus, it turns out one primary color and two additional ones, the task of which is to maintain this color and add volume. This technique is only for a master of the highest category.

Creative hair coloring
Creative hair coloring
Creative hair coloring