Bust up- salvation for girls with thin hair


girl with voluminous hair

In 2013, in Milan, the master of hairdressing and the head of the beauty studio, Elena Glinka, presented the author's development, Bust Up, which was appreciated by world experts. The technology allows you to give the hair root volume, which will last up to six months. Today, Boost Up Volume is very popular with women who want to have lush and voluminous hair, even if by nature they got thin and sparse hair. What kind of technology, how the procedure is carried out, what are its advantages and disadvantages and how safe is the Boost Up for hair in our article.

What is Boost Up?

Boost Up is a technology of basal perm, which makes it possible to give a tremendous amount of hair. Have you ever used tongs for flute? If yes, then you probably know how they can be used to make a magnificent styling by walking them all along some strands. The basis of the technology of Elena Glinka is a similar principle. But there are not used forceps, but special hairpins, which are twisted in a special way strand, and then applied to the hair curl. The active composition based on cystiamine is applied only to the roots of the strands, while the hair remains straight along the entire length.

Elena Glinka

Outwardly, it will not be noticeable that your hair was exposed to any influence. The top strands are not affected in the process of curling, they will hide areas of hair at the roots. The styling looks like you diligently pulled the strands using brushing and used styling products, but to get it you just have to dry your hair naturally or dry it with a hairdryer.

Benefits of Boost Up

Boost Up Volume has a number of advantages that have provided technology such popularity among women. These include:

  • Resilience result. Volume will be maintained from 3 to 6 months. Your installation will not be afraid of rain or wearing hats.
  • Easy installation. You can spend a few minutes to create a hairstyle and get a decent result.
  • Sparing composition. Special composition delicately affects the hair. Cystiamine-active substance of the perm is a amino acid whose structure is similar to that of a human hair. The product does not contain ammonia, and the extract of propolis in its composition has a calming effect on the scalp.
  • Application of funds to certain areas. The procedure is local, that is, the composition is applied only at the roots, and therefore the negative impact on your hair will be minimal.
  • Fight against hair fat. In addition, you get a basal volume of Boost Up will be a real boon for girls whose hair is prone to fat, as the components of the composition reduce the activity of the sebaceous glands.
  • The gradual unwinding of curls. Another important advantage of Boost Up for hair is that, unlike permanent waving, when you grow roots, you will not look ridiculous. The composition of Boost Up completely loses its properties within 6 months, and the result decreases to nothing gradually.

result Bustap

Of course, all these advantages will have only the procedure carried out using the original technology with the use of high-quality compounds. By the way, if you don’t like the result, the master can straighten curls using a special neutralizer.

Disadvantages of Boost Up

Technology Bustap has disadvantages, namely:

  • Still, it is a perm, albeit filed by Elena Glinka "under the new sauce"and therefore it cannot be said that it is completely harmless to hair.
  • In order to create volume, a strand is curled onto special hairpins. At the same time, a slight injury to the hair occurs. It all depends on the accuracy of the actions of the wizard. It will be hard for your hair and when removing the hairpins with strands at the end of the procedure.
  • It is impossible to call the root volume Boost Up an affordable procedure, its approximate cost is 7,000 rubles.
  • The procedure is quite lengthy and tedious. On average, its duration is 3-4 hours. For comparison, a similar procedure Buffant using the same composition takes about 2 hours.

boost up result

Who is contraindicated Bust Up

Bottom volume of hair Boost Up is not for everyone. Contraindications are:

  • Tendency to allergic reactions.
  • Intensive hair loss.
  • State of stress, as the reaction of hair can be unpredictable.
  • Processing strands with henna or basma on the eve of the procedure.
  • Heavily damaged strands.

girl with damaged strands

It is also not recommended to make the volume of hair Boost Up girls with very long and very short strands. In the first case, the effect under the weight of the hair will not be as significant as we would like, and in the second case the result may look ridiculous. The optimal length is up to the shoulders. Regarding the type of hair and its color, there are no restrictions. The volume of hair Boost Up can be done as blondes, so brunettes and red-haired girls.

How is Boost Up

The procedure is quite complicated and time-consuming, it is only possible for professionals who have been trained in the courses of Elena Glinka. Bottom volume of hair Boost Up is obtained as a result of such actions:

  1. First, they wash your hair and dry your hair with a towel.
  2. Then special metal studs are used. On them the master will wind thin strands in a special way, describing "eight" around the teeth of the studs. Depending on what result you want to achieve, the master can affect the strands on the back of the head or only in his lower zone, but usually the main work takes place in the parietal zone. Each pin is fixed with foil. On average, the winding strands on the studs takes 2 hours.
  3. After that, a special composition will be applied to the locks. Elena Glinka and her students use the compositions of the companies Iso and PaulMitchell. The use of these compounds ensures that after 6 months your hair will get the same look, and the curls will unwind completely. In addition, these compounds do not respond to the metal from which the studs are made.
  4. The composition is kept on heels for about 20 minutes, and then washed off. A retainer will be applied to each treated strand.
  5. The latch is washed off, and the studs are removed. This stage will take another hour.
  6. On the hair will apply a caring conditioner and blow-dry.

photo before and after bustap

Carry out Boost Up at home will not work. Not only is the procedure very laborious and requires both knowledge and experience, as well as the PaulMitchell and Iso compositions are distributed exclusively in beauty salons.

Reviews of Boost Up

Reviews of girls who use this service are found both positive and negative. Those who share negative experiences, mainly used the services of masters at home or, working in the salon, the master did not observe the technology and the exposure time of the composition. Feel free to ask the master if he has completed the Boost Up course. If yes, the master with pleasure will brag of the received diploma. If the professionalism of a specialist is in doubt, do not put your hair at such a risk as not to join the ranks of those who have become disillusioned with Boost Up.

girl after bustap

Do not forget that the increased interest in the service provoked the emergence of fakes of this procedure, and some unscrupulous craftsmen are not averse to making money on customers by inflicting a counterfeit instead of the original composition, or worse, the composition for permanent waving. If you are inspired by the photo and you decide to use this service, do not see it at low prices, take care of your hair!

Elena Glinka in her beauty studio

What do you think about Bustap? Leave your opinion in the comments below.

Video: Elena Glinka on the procedure Boost Up